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On a Motion made by Commissioner. Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />RESOLUTIO N 68 7. <br />The Board of County .;Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, resolves: <br />1. That Resolution No. 68-5 relating to Indian River County <br />animals is herewith amended in: the following respects, to -wit: <br />(a) Add to the end of Section 1 the following: <br />"Every such person, firm or corporation shall <br />securely and permanently affix said collar or <br />harness to and maintain the same on each such <br />dog and shall affix and maintain the license tag <br />hereinafter described for the current year for <br />such dog to said collar or harness in order that <br />each such dog shall continuously display such <br />license tag. " <br />(b) In Section 3, wherever the words, "County Administra- <br />tor" appear, insert in lieu thereofthe words "Indian River County <br />Tax Collector. <br />(c) Add a section following Section 4 to become Section 5 <br />and by remembering all of the subsequent sections, . which said <br />additional section shall be as follows: <br />"5. In the eventany license tag is lost or des- <br />troyed, every such owner, keeper, person, firm <br />or corporationowning, possessing, harboring, <br />keeping or maintaining any dog dulylicensed for <br />the current year shall make application for a <br />duplicate license tag to the Indian River County <br />Tax Collector, who will issue a duplicate in the <br />same manner in which the original was issued. <br />The fee for a duplicate license tag shall be one- <br />half of the fee which would have been charged if <br />the application had been foran original annual <br />license tag. " <br />2. This Resolution shall take effect on. March 1 <br />ADg%:_ Flt <br />