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for the district in which the land is located. <br />11. If the application for a permit and the plot plan <br />filed therewith describe work which does not conform to the <br />requirements of the zoning resolution, the County Admin- <br />istrator shall return one copy thereof with his refusal to <br />certify zoning approval to the applicant. Such refusal shall, <br />when requested, be in writing and shall contain the reason <br />therefor. <br />12. The County Administrator shall act upon the appli- <br />cation for a permit without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. <br />A certificate of zoning approval shall not be construed as <br />authority to violate, cancel, alter or set aside any of the <br />provisions of the zoning resolution, nor shall such certificate <br />prevent the County Administrator from thereafter requiring <br />a correction of errors or a violation of the zoning resolu- <br />tion. Any certificate issued shall become invalid unless the <br />work authorized by it shall have been commenced within six <br />months after its issuance or if the work authorized by such <br />permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of one year <br />after the time is commenced; provided that for cause one <br />or more extensions of time for periods not exceeding ninety <br />days each may be allowed in writing by the County Adminis- <br />trator. <br />13. When a certificate of zoning approval is issued, the <br />same shall be signed by the County Administrator and shall <br />be kept at the site of work and shall be open to inspection by <br />the County Administrator or his authorized representative. <br />14. If any person commences work on a building or <br />structure before obtaining the necessary certificate of zoning <br />approval, then the fees for such certificate shall be double <br />the schedule of fees set forth above. <br />15. The County Administrator shall keep a permanent <br />and accurate accounting of all certificates issued and of all <br />fees collected, including the date and the amount thereof. <br />16. Before issuing a certificate, the County Adminis- <br />trator may examine or cause to be examined any site or lot <br />for which an application has been received. He may inspect <br />all buildings and structures during and upon completion of <br />the work for which a certificate was issued and he shall <br />report to the Board any violations of the certificate or of <br />the Zoning Resolution. <br />17. Each application for a permit shall show on the plot <br />plan the driveway connecting the property to the public road <br />way and all that part of the drivewayfrom the property line <br />to the traveled portion d the road way shall either be paved <br />in a manner approved by the County Administrator to conform <br />with the drainage swale or that part shall be filled over a <br />drainage culvert of adequate size to provide for proper drain- <br />age with a minimum culvert of ten (10) inches to be approved <br />by the County Administrator. <br />18. The parking or use of any house trailer or other <br />portable living accommodations in any place other than a <br />MI 9' <br />3 <br />1961 <br />