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9 . Any deductibles or self - insured retentions greater than $ 5 , 000 must be <br /> approved by the Risk Manager for Indian River County with the ultimate <br /> responsibility for same going to the GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL . <br /> SECTION XIX = INDEMNIFICATION <br /> GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL hereby agrees to indemnify , and hold <br /> harmless , the COUNTY , and the COUNTY ' s officers , employees and agents , from and <br /> against any and all claims from liabilities , damages , losses , costs , third party claims , <br /> judgments , and expense to persons or property , including reasonable attorneys ' fees , to <br /> the extent caused by the negligence , recklessness , or intentionally wrongful conduct of <br /> GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL , or of GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ' s <br /> officers , employees , or agents , and GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL shall indemnify <br /> the COUNTY against any such claims and any judgments that may be entered in <br /> connection therewith , including reasonable attorneys ' fees . <br /> SECTION XX — SAFETY <br /> The GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL is solely responsible for any job site <br /> safety . However , in accordance with generally accepted practices , the <br /> GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL may report any observed job site safety violations <br /> by others to the COUNTY . <br /> SECTION XXI — CHOICE OF LAW AND VENUE <br /> This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida . Venue for any <br /> lawsuit brought by either party against the other party or otherwise arising out of this <br /> Contract shall be in Indian River County , Florida , or in the event of a federal jurisdiction , in <br /> the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida . <br /> SECTION XXII — ENTIRETY OF AGREEMENT <br /> This writing embodies the entire Agreement and understanding between the <br /> parties hereto , and there are no other Agreements and understandings , oral or written , <br /> with reference to the subject matter hereof that are not merged herein and superseded <br /> hereby . No alteration , change , or modification of the terms of this Agreement shall be <br /> valid unless made in writing and signed by both parties hereto . <br /> SECTION XXIII - SEVERABILITY <br /> If any provision , section , or paragraph of this agreement is determined by a court <br /> of competent jurisdiction to be void , illegal , or unenforceable , the remaining portions not <br /> found to be void , illegal , or unenforceable , shall remain in full force and effect . <br /> C : ADocumetits and SettinosVdan. zrallack\Local Set ( inosUemporary Internet Piles\CPntent. OLit Iook\M I W V8QBH\2010021 12PQ ACRLL' MPNT-Ardaman <br /> Associmes . doe <br />