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and other documents and electronic data setting forth in detail the requirements for <br /> construction of the Work , and shall : <br /> A be consistent with the intent of the Design/ Builder' s Proposal ; <br /> . 2 provide information for the use of those in the building trades ; and <br /> . 3 include documents customarily required for regulatory agency approvals . <br /> § 3 . 2 4 The Design/ Builder, with the assistance of the Owner , shall file documents <br /> required to obtain necessary approvals of governmental authorities having jurisdiction <br /> over the Project . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 5 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents , the Design/ Builder shall <br /> provide or cause to be provided and shall pay for design services , labor, materials , <br /> equipment , tools , construction equipment and machinery , water , heat , utilities , <br /> transportation and other facilities and services necessary for proper execution and <br /> completion of the Work , whether temporary or permanent and whether or not <br /> incorporated or to be incorporated in the Work . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 6 The Design / Builder shall be responsible for all construction means , methods , <br /> techniques , sequences and procedures , and for coordinating all portions of the Work <br /> under this Part 2 Agreement . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 7 The Design/ Builder shall keep the Owner informed of the progress and quality of <br /> the Work . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 8 The Design /Builder shall be responsible for correcting Work which does not <br /> conform to the Contract Documents . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 9 The Design / Builder warrants to the Owner that materials and equipment <br /> furnished under the Contract will be of good quality and new unless otherwise required <br /> or permitted by the Contract Documents , that the construction will be free from faults <br /> and defects , and that the construction will conform with the requirements of the Contract <br /> Documents . Construction not conforming to these requirements , including substitutions <br /> not properly approved by the Owner , shall be corrected in accordance with Article 9 . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 10 The Design /Builder shall pay all sales , consumer , use and similar taxes which <br /> had been legally enacted at the time the Design/ Builder' s Proposal was first submitted <br /> to the Owner , and shall secure and pay for building and other permits and governmental <br /> fees , licenses and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the <br /> Work which are either customarily secured after execution of a contract for construction <br /> or are legally required at the time the Design/ Builder' s Proposal was first submitted to <br /> the Owner . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 11 The Design/ Builder shall comply with and give notices required by laws , <br /> ordinances , rules , regulations and lawful orders of public authorities relating to the <br /> Project . <br /> 6 <br />