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TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1968 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida met in special session at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, <br />Florida on Tuesday, July 2 at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Present were <br />Robert W. Graves, Chairman; D. B. McCullers, Jr., Vice Chairman; <br />Donald Macdonald; Richard P. Bogosian and Jack U. Dritenbas. <br />Also present were Charles Smith, acting as County Attorney; Jack <br />G. Jennings, County Administrator; and Janet N. Burriss, Deputy <br />Clerk. Absent was Sherman N. Smith, Jr., County Attorney. <br />Also present were officials and members of the Indian River <br />•••Farms Drainage District, PatiR. Robertson, President; Wiley F. <br />Cox, Secretary -Treasurer; John Amos, Assistant Secretary; F. B. <br />Gunter; W. C. Graves III; and Edgerton and Marvin Carter of the <br />R. D. Carter Engineering Firm. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and read the <br />followingexcerpts from the Memorandum of the County Attorney <br />dated July 2, 1968: <br />"1. The Drainage District has no authority, duty or responsibility <br />of any kind or nature whatsoever except within the limits of its rights <br />of way which are its canals and ditches. No entry may be made into its <br />canals and ditches without its expressed approval. <br />2. The Authority of the Board of County Commissioners under the <br />existing law is limited solely to drainage of secondary roads of the <br />state system and county roads. The Board of County Commissioners have <br />no authority to expend any public funds for the drainage of any private <br />property." <br />The purpose of the meeting was to discuss, plan for and attempt to <br />solve the present and future drainage problems in the County. <br />Attorney Smith explained that to work out of the areas designated <br />would require special legislation. <br />Edgerton Carter stated•that the drainage system having <br />been set up for agricultural purposes there was only a 1 1/3 inch <br />run off in a 24 hour perioda rather than the: 4 or 4 6/10 run off <br />which should exist for subdivision drainage. <br />Commissioner Macdonald inquired if the three main canals leading <br />out of the area could be enlarged. Wiley Cox stated that to ,.t. <br />pick 11 PAGE <br />canals had not yet been filled to capacity. <br />