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ANSWER NO. 10 <br /> Clearing in the IRFWCD canals is required for the construction of the project. Clearing will be required <br /> for the construction of the bridges, roadway embankments, culvert pipes, utility crossings, sheet <br /> piling retaining wall, guardrail, and other miscellaneous improvements . Clearing of the east bank of <br /> the Lateral "A" except as required for bridge construction, culvert and riprap installation is not <br /> anticipated . <br /> QUESTION N0. 11 <br /> i <br /> The Arcadis plan & profile sheets identify removal of the existing asphalt outside of the proposed <br /> asphalt pavement, e.g: sheet 57-sta . 130+00436+00 +/-. Isn't the intent to remove all of the existing <br /> pavement and construct the new road ? (apart from the pavement area south of SR 60) <br /> ANSWER NO. 11 <br /> Yes . The intention is to remove the entire existing asphalt pavement. <br /> QUESTION NO. 12 <br /> Does the County have copies of existing bridge plans that the contractor can obtain ? <br /> ANSWER NO. 12 <br /> No . Indian River County is not in possession of any plans on the existing bridges. <br /> Page S of 6 <br /> F:\Public Works\ENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECTS\0545-66Th Ave SR60 to 57th St (Arcadis)\Admim\Bid Documents\Addendum # 1 \Addendum No. l <br /> 11 -942 .doc <br />