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ADDITIONAL ENVIROMENTAL, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING <br />AND SHOOTING RANGE DESIGN SERVICES <br />For <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PUBLIC SHOOTING RANGE IMPROVEMENTS <br />IRC PROJECT NO. 1213 <br />Scope of Additional Services <br />The Additional Environmental, Professional Engineering and Shooting Range Design Services scope of <br />work includes the work necessary to revise the construction plans for the proposed improvements to the <br />Indian River County Shooting Range to accommodate two (2) phases of construction. This scope of <br />services eliminates the proposed 300 yard rifle range from the project and accelerates the construction of <br />the proposed sporting clays trail, proposed 120 yard by 50 yard action pistol range, and proposed concrete <br />block wall as Phase 1. The Phase 2 construction plans will include the proposed skeet & trap facilities and <br />buildings included in the original scope. This additional services scope includes the professional services <br />necessary to design, permit, and bid this project as 2 separate phases and provides allowances for post <br />design services. <br />The following additional services shall be provided as requested by the Client (Indian River County) for <br />the revisions/change in scope of the Skeet and Trap Shooting Range Improvements as stated above: <br />1. Assist the CLIENT in evaluating layout alternatives and potential operational restrictions for the <br />safe operation of new ranges at the Indian River County Public Shooting Range located at 10455 <br />102nd Terrace, Sebastian, FL. The new facilities to be evaluated include an Action Pistol Range <br />located between the existing Air gun and Rifle Ranges, a Law Enforcement Range located to the west <br />and adjacent to the existing Pistol Range, installation of a 12 ft. high Masonry Wall to the West of the <br />existing Pistol Range and a mulched Sporting Clays Trail located to the west of the existing Sporting <br />Clays Trail. <br />2. Provide Environmental coordination and meetings with -the -CLIENT to initiate and complete the' <br />site plan changes, which include the above stated changes in scope. <br />3. Prepare civil engineering design drawings for these new range facilities with the features and <br />dimensions as directed by the CLIENT. The design drawings will include range control lines and <br />safety zones, grading and drainage plans,and-details-for-these:elements of the proposed constructions <br />project. - <br />4. Represent the CLIENT and coordinate with local, State and Federal agencies regarding <br />modifications to existing permits or approvals that are needed to proceed with the proposed work. <br />5. Environmental coordination and meetings with the ACOE in their local Office as well as onsite <br />regarding maintaining wetland mitigation on the property, prepare the Public Notice document for the <br />ACOE, respond to ACOE RAI's and coordination requests <br />6. Prepare and submit a site plan application along with the required calculations and exhibits to <br />modify the existing land development permit to the Indian River County Community Development <br />Department for approval, and will attend Technical Review Committee meetings (as necessary) to <br />present the project and address questions about the proposed design. <br />03/04/2014 Page 1 of 2 <br />