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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1969 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, met in special session at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, <br />Florida on Tuesday, February 4, 1969 at 7:30 o'clock P. M. <br />Present were Jack U. Dritenbas, Chairman; Richard P. Bogosian, <br />Vice Chairman; D. B. McCullers, Jr.; Alma Lee Loy and Edward J. <br />Massey. Also present were Sherman N. Smith, Jr., County Attorney; <br />Alfred H. Webber, Deputy Clerk and fifty-six citizens. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and stated that the rn <br />Board had received a petition signed by approximately 763 voters <br />of Indian River County requesting the Board to support over-all <br />Recreation, Life Saving, Life Safety and Swimming Instruction by <br />providing $10,000.00 for Vero's Instructional Pool project in <br />cooperation with the City of Vero Beach and Indian River County <br />School Board; and that the purpose of the meeting was to hear <br />expressions of opinion for and against the proposal and to take <br />such action as the Board might desire. <br />Speakers in favor of the proposal included Mr. William Priestly, <br />Vero Beach Swimming Coach; Doctor Paul Taylor, of Vero's Instructional <br />Pool, Inc.; Mr. Jack Sturgis, Vero Beach City Councilman; Mr. Charles <br />Parks, City Recreation Director, Mrs. Ruth Daley, of the Indian River <br />Safety Council; two representatives of the Coast Guard Auxiliary; <br />Mrs. Millie Bunnell, former Director of the Vero Beach Dolphinettes; <br />Major Jack Taylor; Mr. Peter Cassarra; Mr. B. J. McCullers and <br />others. <br />` 4 <br />Speakers against the proposal were Mr. Robert W. Graves, former <br />Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and Mr. Dudley Clyatt, <br />former President of the Indian River County Farm Bureau. Both of <br />these speakers stated that they were not opposed to an instructional <br />pool, but felt that none of the .cost should come from County funds. <br />nook 12 rrolOn <br />FEB 41969 <br />