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outside normal landfill hours , then accommodation will be sought from SWDD . <br /> The JV recognizes that such accommodation may not be granted . <br /> Pyrolysis Products <br /> The pyrolysis unit will produce three products from the tire feedstock : pyrolysis <br /> oil , char and scrap steel . The JV will perform sampling and testing to <br /> demonstrate marketability of the pyrolysis products . <br /> Pyrolysis oil is condensed from pyrolysis gas in the air-cooled -water, closed - loop <br /> heat exchanger and gravity fed into an integral accumulation tank . From that <br /> tank , the oil is pumped into a tanker for storage and transport . The <br /> demonstration project will produce up to 70 , 000 gallons of pyrolysis oil . <br /> Char is recovered from the back end of the pyrolysis unit by a conveyor and <br /> placed into sealable tote .bags that will be used to store and transport the char . <br /> Connex boxes will be used for weather- protected temporary storage of the <br /> packaged char . The demonstration project will produce up to 150 tons of char . <br /> There is uncertainty at this time and at this scale of operation that a market can <br /> be found for this small amount of char . Therefore , SWDD may be requested to <br /> provide disposal for any unsold char from the pyrolysis project pending <br /> demonstration testing by the JV that the char is acceptable to SWDD for landfill <br /> disposal . Applicable disposal fees will be paid by the JV . <br /> Scrap steel is magnetically separated from the char and will be conveyed into <br /> appropriate containers for storage and transport. The demonstration project will <br /> produce up to 120 tons of scrap steel . <br /> All products to be transported off-site will be weighed at the SWDD scale . <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY <br /> The JV will be responsible for acquiring air emissions and other permits <br /> associated with the demonstration project . It is not anticipated that any permit <br /> held by SWDD for the landfill operation will need to be modified to accommodate <br /> the tire pyrolysis demonstration . During the demonstration , emissions and <br /> performance data will be collected by the JV for the purpose of meeting <br /> environmental requirements and designing the commercial scale operations . <br /> A site - specific Health and Safety Plan ( HASP ) will be prepared for the <br /> demonstration project . This plan will address hazard analysis and mitigation for <br /> worker activities and possible exposures , accident/incident procedures and <br /> reporting , and additional health and safety requirements included in 29 CFR <br /> 1910 . 120 and 1926 . <br /> PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL <br /> Page 15 <br />