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Indian River County Sector 3 Beach and Dune Restoration Project Page 3 <br />Exhibit A — 2014 Scope of Work <br />surrounded by a series of small stakes connected by brightly colored surveyor's <br />tape. Marked nests will be monitored throughout their incubation period to <br />determine nest fate (e.g., hatched, washed out, depredated vandalized, etc.). <br />After an appropriate incubation period, and in accordance with FWC guidelines, <br />nests will be excavated to determine reproductive success. Nest contents will be <br />assigned to standard categories (e.g., unhatched eggs, dead hatchlings, etc.) <br />developed by FWC. Two measures of reproductive success will then be <br />calculated: hatching success (the percentage of eggs in the nest that hatch) and <br />emerging success (the percentage of eggs in the nest that produce hatchlings <br />which successfully escape from the nest). <br />For the purpose of evaluating the effects of the Sector 3 Beach and Dune <br />Restoration Project on sea turtle reproductive success, at least 75 loggerhead nests <br />will be marked in each of the three phases and in the control. This will yield a <br />minimum of 300 marked loggerhead nests. All green turtle nests, up to a <br />maximum of 200, will be marked for evaluations. Too few leatherback nests <br />occur within the Project Area to provide a statistically meaningful number to <br />assess project impacts, if any, on reproductive success. Therefore no leatherback <br />nests will be marked. Nest fate and reproductive success data for loggerhead and <br />green turtles will be compared between each of the three project phases and the <br />control. As appropriate, statistical analyses will be performed on the data. <br />All activities described in Tasks 2-3 will be performed under FWC Marine Turtle <br />Permit TP -010 in accordance with current or future superseding conditions and <br />guidelines issued by the permitting agency. <br />Deliverables: <br />EAI will submit (electronically) monthly reports of all nesting beach monitoring <br />activities to the County, including numbers of nests marked and fated within each <br />phase of the Project Area. <br />Task 4 - In -water Sea Turtle Monitoring (FDEP Specific Condition No. 32). <br />EAI will assess sea turtle population levels in the nearshore area within and <br />adjacent to the Sector 3 Project Area. This assessment will be conducted quarterly <br />during the following time frames. June -August 2014, September -November 2014, <br />and December 2014 -February 2015. The surveys will employ the same <br />methodology and transect locations used since 2007. The methodology will <br />include concurrent sampling of the Project Area and an appropriate control area to <br />permit isolation of potential project effects from natural background variability. <br />In -water surveys will be conducted from a boat equipped with an elevated <br />observation platform and a GPS navigational system to allow constant monitoring <br />of speed and location. The boat will traverse a series of 3 -kilometer long <br />