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Attachment B <br /> Scope of Work <br /> Intent of Agreement : The intent of the EMPA Base Grant Agreement is to provide each county with the means to <br /> successfully manage and operate an Emergency Management Program . Counties must be able to prepare for , <br /> respond to , recover from , and mitigate against natural and man- made disasters/ emergencies . <br /> Base Grant funding from the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund is intended to <br /> enhance county emergency management plans and programs that are consistent with the State Comprehensive <br /> Emergency Management Plan and Program ( reference Rule Chapter 27P-6 , Florida Administrative Code and <br /> Chapter 252 , Florida Statutes) . This Scope of Work recognizes that each recipient is at a varying level of <br /> preparedness , and it is understood that each county has a unique geography , faces unique threats and hazards , <br /> and serves a unique population . <br /> By signing this Agreement the Recipient certifies that it will use the award to enhance its Emergency Management <br /> Program , <br /> I . Categories and Eligible Activities <br /> Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Grant <br /> FY2012 -2013 allowable costs are divided into the following categories : salary and benefits , other personal <br /> contractual services , expenses , operating capital outlay and fixed capital outlay are allowable . <br /> A . Salaries and Benefits <br /> Salaries and Benefits are eligible for reimbursement under the EMPA Agreement . The Staffing Detail <br /> Worksheet must list the position for which reimbursement is requested . Eligible categories for reimbursement <br /> include , but are not limited to : <br /> • Regular Salary <br /> • Overtime <br /> • FICA <br /> • SS/Medicare <br /> • Retirement <br /> • Life/Health Insurance <br /> • Leave Payout <br /> • Accumulated sick/vacation time paid out within the Agreement period (this must be claimed during <br /> the Agreement period in which the payout occurred ( regardless of which Agreements were in place <br /> at the time of accumulation ) <br /> B . Other Personal/Contractual Services <br /> This category allows for reimbursement for services by a person (s) who is not a regular or full time employee <br /> filling established positions . This includes but is not limited to , temporary employees , student or graduate <br /> assistants , fellowships , part time academic employment , board members , consultants , and other services . <br /> Consultant Services require a pre-approved Contract or purchase order by the Division . Copies of additional <br /> quotes should also be supplied when requesting pre-approval . These requests should be sent to the Contract <br /> Manager for the Division for review either via e- mail or U . S . Mail . The Division will respond within five ( 5 ) <br /> business days to requests for pre-approval unless additional information is needed from the county . If <br /> requested , the response date will begin when the additional information is received . If no response is received <br /> by the close of business on the 51h business day , the contract or purchase order will be approved by default . <br /> 13 <br />