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Attachment D <br /> Reports <br /> A . The Recipient shall provide the Division with quarterly financial reports , semi-annual summary <br /> progress reports prepared in conjunction with the Division ' s Regional Coordinator , and a final <br /> close-out report , all in a format to be provided by the Division . All report formats provided by the <br /> Division shall be made available to the Recipient on the Division ' s Internet site and a hard copy <br /> will be mailed with a fully executed copy of the Agreement . <br /> B . Each quarter, the Recipient shall provide the Division with a twenty -five percent ( 25 % ) <br /> sampling of the total amount requested . The Recipient will need to submit a sampling <br /> from the list below ( i . e . , invoice and check/proof of payment) with your reports unless <br /> other sample documents are deemed necessary for audit purposes . To eliminate large <br /> files and mailings , the Division will accept back up documentation on a CD if desired by <br /> the county . <br /> • Salaries : Supply copies of timesheets documenting hours worked and proof employee <br /> was paid ( Le . , earning statements/payroll registries) <br /> • OPS/Contractual Services : Copies of contracts , MOUs or agreements with consultants <br /> or sub- contractors providing services . Copies of invoices , checks and canceled checks <br /> related to these services . <br /> • Expenses : Copies of invoices/receipts , checks and canceled checks <br /> o If training/exercise is provided by contractor , an agenda , training materials , <br /> exercise materials and copies of sign- in rosters of attendees should be included . If <br /> planning is provided then will need copies of planning materials and work products <br /> ( i . e . , meeting documents , copies of completed plans , etc . ) <br /> o For travel and conference activities , copies of all receipts must be submitted ( Le . , <br /> airfare , proof of mileage , toll receipts , hotel receipts , car rental receipts , etc . ) <br /> Receipts must be itemized and match the dates of travel/conference . If conference , <br /> a copy of the agenda must be provided . Proof of payment is also required for all <br /> travel and conferences . <br /> • OCO : Copies of invoices/receipts , checks and canceled checks <br /> • FCO : Copies of invoices/receipts , checks and canceled checks <br /> • Copies of the general ledger each quarter should also be provided . <br /> C . Quarterly financial reports shall begin with the first quarter of the Recipient's fiscal year; <br /> are due to the Division no later than thirty days after the end of each quarter of the <br /> program year ; and shall continue to be submitted each quarter until submission of the <br /> final close-out report. The ending dates for each quarter of this program year are <br /> September 30 , December 31 , March 31 and June 30 . <br /> D . The final close-out report is due forty -five days after termination of this Agreement. <br /> E . In addition to the above , in order to ensure compliance with Rule 9G - 19 . 011 , Florida <br /> Administrative Code , historical budgetary information relating to the Recipient's Emergency <br /> 27 <br />