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( 17 ) FUNDING/CONSIDERATION <br /> ( a) This is a cost- reimbursement Agreement . The Recipient shall be reimbursed for costs <br /> incurred in the satisfactory performance of work hereunder in an amount not to exceed $ 105 , 806 , subject to <br /> the availability of funds . <br /> ( b) Any advance payment under this Agreement is subject to Section 216 . 181 ( 16 ) , Fla . Stat . , <br /> and is contingent upon the Recipient ' s acceptance of the rights of the Division under Paragraph ( 12 ) ( b) of <br /> this Agreement . The amount which may be advanced may not exceed the expected cash needs of the <br /> Recipient within the first three ( 3) months of the contract term . For a federally funded contract , any advance <br /> payment is also subject to federal OMB Circulars A-87 , A- 110 , A- 122 and the Cash Management <br /> Improvement Act of 1990 . If an advance payment is requested below , the budget data on which the request <br /> is based and a justification statement shall be included in this Agreement as Attachment E . Attachment E <br /> will specify the amount of advance payment needed and provide an explanation of the necessity for and <br /> proposed use of these funds . <br /> An advance payment of $ is requested <br /> ( c) After the initial advance , if any , payment shall be made on a reimbursement basis as <br /> needed . The Recipient agrees to expend funds in accordance with the Scope of Work and Budget , <br /> Attachment A , A- 1 and B of this Agreement . <br /> If the necessary funds are not available to fund this Agreement as a result of action by the <br /> United States Congress , the federal Office of Management and Budgeting , the State Chief Financial <br /> Officer or under subparagraph ( 19 ) ( h ) of this Agreement, all obligations on the part of the Division to <br /> make any further payment of funds shall terminate , and the Recipient shall submit its closeout report <br /> within thirty days of receiving notice from the Division . <br /> The amount of funds available pursuant to this rule chapter ( Rule 9G - 19 . 011 , Florida Administrative <br /> Code ) may be adjusted proportionally when necessary to meet any matching requirements imposed as a <br /> condition of receiving federal disaster relief assistance or planning funds . <br /> Any requests received after July 31 , 2012 , may , in the discretion of the Division , not be reimbursed <br /> from this Agreement . Reimbursement requests shall not be submitted by facsimile transmission or by e- mail . <br /> Changes to the amount of funding to be provided may be accomplished by notice from the Division <br /> to the Recipient . The Division may make an award of additional funds by subsequent modification . Should <br /> the Recipient determine it does not wish to accept the award of additional funds , the Recipient shall provide <br /> notice to the Division contact within thirty ( 30) days of receipt of the Award Letter . The terms of this <br /> Agreement shall be considered to have been modified to include the additional funds upon execution of the <br /> modification and receipt of a budget form which details the proposed expenditure of the additional funds . <br /> The budget form will be provided by the Division when the offer of additional funds is made . <br /> All funds received hereunder shall be placed in an interest- bearing account with a separate account <br /> code identifier for tracking all deposits , expenditures and interest earned . Funds disbursed to the Recipient <br /> by the Division that are not expended in implementing this program shall be returned to the Division , along <br /> with any interest earned on all funds received under this Agreement , within ninety (90 ) days of the expiration <br /> of the award Agreement . <br /> The Recipient shall comply with all applicable procurement rules and regulations in securing goods <br /> and services to implement the Scope of Work . Whenever required by law or otherwise permitted , the <br /> Recipient shall utilize competitive procurement practices . <br /> Allowable costs shall be determined in accordance with applicable Office of Management and <br /> Budget Circulars , or , in the event no circular applies , by 48 CFR Part 31 CONTRACT COST PRINCIPLES <br /> AND PROCEDURES . <br /> At a minimum , the Recipient shall continue to provide other funding for the Recipient's <br /> Emergency Management Agency at an amount equal to either: ( 1 ) the average of the previous three <br /> years ' level of county general revenue funding of the Recipient' s Emergency Management Agency ; or <br /> ( 2 ) the level of funding for the Recipient's Emergency Management Agency for the last fiscal year, <br /> whichever figure is lower ( Rule 9G - 19 . 011 , Florida Administrative Code) . Recipient's general revenue <br /> funding for 911 services , emergency medical services , law enforcement, criminal justice , public <br /> 7 <br />