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whole or in part, of the funds provided to the Grantee under the terms of this <br /> Project Agreement , the Grantee , upon notification from the Department, agrees to <br /> refund and will forthwith repay directly to the Department the amount of money <br /> demanded . <br /> 25 . Alexandra H . Weiss , Community Assistance Consultant, or her successor, is <br /> hereby designated as the Department's Grant Manager for the purpose of this <br /> Project Agreement . The Department' s Grant Manager shall be responsible for <br /> ensuring performance of the terms and conditions of this Project Agreement and <br /> shall approve all reimbursement requests prior to payment . The Grantee's Grant <br /> Manager, Andy Sobczak , or his successor, shall act on behalf of the Grantee <br /> relative to provisions of this Project Agreement. The parties will notify each other in <br /> writing , using the manner set forth in this Project Agreement for providing notices <br /> related to this Project Agreement, of any change to the designated grant manager <br /> within thirty ( 30 ) days of the change . <br /> 26 . By acceptance of the provisions of this Project Agreement , the Grantee agrees to <br /> dedicate the Project Site and all land within the Project boundaries , identified in <br /> Paragraph 3 above , to the public as a recreational trail in accordance with section <br /> 62S-2 . 076 , F .A. C . The parties further agree that the execution of this Project <br /> Agreement by the Department shall constitute an acceptance of said dedication on <br /> behalf of the general public of the State of Florida . <br /> 27 . The Grantee agrees to operate and maintain the Project Site , as defined in <br /> subsection 62S-2 . 070(37 ) , F .A. C . , in accordance with Rule 62S-2 . 076 , F .A . C . The <br /> Project Site and Project Elements shall be open to the general public for <br /> recreational trail use , maintained in accordance with applicable health and safety <br /> standards , and kept in good repair to prevent undue deterioration and provide for <br /> safe public use . The Grantee covenants that it has full legal authority and financial <br /> ability to develop , operate and maintain the Project Elements as specified within the <br /> terms of this Project Agreement. The Grantee shall obtain Department approval <br /> prior to any and all current or future development of facilities on the Project Site , as <br /> defined in subsection 62S-2 . 070(37 ) , F .A. C . , . if said development is not described in <br /> Paragraph 5 herein . <br /> 28 . The Grantee shall not, for any reason , convert all or any portion of the Project <br /> boundary area for any purpose other than a recreational trail without prior approval <br /> of the Department and FHWA pursuant to the Chapter 62S-2 , F . A . C . <br /> 29 . A . No person , on the grounds of race , creed , color, national origin , age , sex , or <br /> disability, shall be excluded from participation in ; be denied the proceeds or <br /> benefits of; or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in performance of <br /> this Project Agreement. <br /> Be An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list <br /> may not submit a bid on a contract to provide goods or services to a public <br /> Revised 2/12 <br /> DEP Project Agreement No . T1137 , Page 10 of 15 <br />