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Monday in July of this year, which is the date prescribed for the assessor to <br />meet with this Board for the purpose of hearing complaints and receiving <br />testimony as to the value of real and personal property fixed by the county <br />assessor of taxes on the tax rolls of the county for the year 1969. In view of <br />these facts, this Board does deem it necessary to extend the time for the <br />completion of that assessment roll and for the purpose of revising and <br />equalizing the assessments. The time for completion of said assessment <br />rolls is herewith extended to July 23, 1969. <br />Dewey Walker, County Zoning Inspector, appeared before the <br />Board, reporting that six zoning violations have been submitted to <br />the Prosecuting Attorney for legal action and that he is working <br />with twentyone additional violators in a effort to remove the cause <br />of violation. <br />Gordon Wagner of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council <br />appeared before the Board requesting that the Commissioners, the <br />Administrator and the County Attorney attend a meeting at the Langford <br />Hotel in Orlando on June 25th at 1:30 o'clock P. M. Mr. Wagner stated <br />that there would be specially skilled professional planners who would <br />listen to the problems and ideas of the Commissioners and help them to <br />arrive at an answer. <br />W. E. Kelly and Fred Briggs appeared before the Board. Mr. <br />Kelly charged that mining having been dome by representatives of <br />the Hobart Company caused Mr. Kelly's soil to fall on Hobart land. <br />He was informed that this was not a matter for discussion by the <br />Board of County Commissioners and was referred to the judicial courts. <br />Robert Kopp appeared protesting the destruction of four dogs by <br />the Humane Society of Vero Beach. Mrs. Kuster of the Society, stated' <br />that there were five dogs in the <br />g pack, they were unlicensed, had hook- <br />worms and appeared to have distemper,, that the Society had picked up <br />174 dogs in May and that veteranian care for this many dogs would be <br />economically out of the question. Doctor Lindsay appeared stating <br />8JOk 1.2 PA,;E J4 4. <br />JUN 1 1 1969 <br />