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8 V <br />RESOLUTION NO. 69-29 <br />.8 V Pa/cwi.Ivo, .2,//$,f <br />•i <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County, Florida, acting by and through its <br />Board ,of County , Commissioners, has heretofore pursuant .to law 'established. <br />a department of county government known as Indian.River County Civil <br />Defense Department to act in accordance with and in support of the State <br />Civil Defense Plan and. Programs pursuant to law; and, <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, vests in this board the <br />authority to adopt orders, rules and regulations establishing abasic <br />civil defense plan for Indian River County, Florida; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that this Board does herewith promulgate and <br />adopt the orders, rules and regulations set forth in the attached <br />document entitled "Indian River County, Florida, Basic Civil Defense <br />Plan (Revised 1969) consisting of__, pages, plus Annex I Sections: <br />A and B, Annex II, Annex III, Anne_,__x IV, Annex V, Annex VI, Annex VIII, <br />Annex X, .Annex XI, Annex XIII, and Annex XIV with Appendix A, B, C and, <br />D, all of which constitutes the Indian River County, Florida, Basic <br />.'Civil Defense Plan (Revised 1969), pertaining to the possibility.of <br />the occurance of disasters or emergencies of unprecedented size and <br />destructiveness resulting from enemy attack, sabotage or other hostile <br />'action or from natural causes in order to insure that preparations of <br />or/this county will be adequate to deal with such disasters or emergencies;:`:::;: <br />and generally to provide for the common defense and to protect the <br />.public peace, health and. safety and to preserve the lives and property <br />of the people of this county and to provide for the rendering of muruah»• <br />aid among the political subdivisions of the state and with other states;'. <br />and with the federal government with respect to carrying out all civil:,:; <br />defense functions and responsibilities other than those for which ,'' <br />military forces or other federal agencies are primarily responsible, <br /> hereby declared to be a comprehensive plan and program for <br />the divil defense of this county; and, o <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the orders, rules and regulations so <br />promulgated as the Indian River County, Florida, Basic Civil Defense <br />Plan (Revised 1969) are ordered filed in the office of the Clerk of <br />the Circuit Court as ex officio Clerk of this Board which thereupon <br />have the full force and effect of law and all existing laws, rules and', <br />,regulations inconsistent with the Indian River County, Florida, Basic <br />Civil Defense Plan (Revised 1969) shall be suspended during the period <br />of time and to the extent that such conflict exists; provided, however,. <br />that the emergency powers and provisions relating to the event of actual. <br />enemy attack against the United States may be exercised only after a <br />declaration of a state of emergency by the Governor or in the event of <br />an emergency resulting from natural phenomenon or accident, upon a <br />declaration of a state.of emergency btrethe Board of County Commissioners... <br />pf Indian River County, Florida, for a period not to exceed forty-eight . <br />-(4$) hours unless further extended by the Governor; provided, however, <br />that nothing in this Resolution nor the Indian River County, Florida, <br />,.Basic Civil Defense Plan (Revised 1969) shall be in conflict with or <br />abrogate the responsibilities and functions of the American National Red. <br />Cross under conditions of natural or accidental disaster. <br />• <br />JUN 1 <br />A ,• <br />�, r <br />