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unanimously approved. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Loy, seconded by <br />Commissioner McCullers, the application for admission to a <br />State Tuberculosis Hospital by Willie Foster was unanimously <br />approved. <br />Commissioner Loy presented a letterof resignation from <br />Dewey D. Reams resigning from the County Planning and Zoning <br />Board. On a Motion made by Commissioner Loy, seconded by <br />Commissioner Massey, the following Resolution was unanimously <br />adopted: <br />• <br />• <br />RESOLUTION NO. 69- 32 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, resolves: <br />1. That it accedes to the wishes of DEWEY D. REAMS and <br />accepts his resignation as a member of the Indian River County Zoning <br />Commission. At the same time, this Board wishes to make a matter of recor <br />the long and distinguished service of Mr. Reams on this Board. Indian River <br />County was one of the first counties in Florida to adopt a county -wide plan of <br />zoning. One of the original members of the Zoning Commission was Dewey D. <br />Reams. He faithfully served as a member of that Commission from its <br />beginning to this time, a period of more than twelve (12) years.. Indian River <br />County is noted as one of the outstanding counties in Florida in the field 'of <br />planning and zoning. Its growth and development while rapid has been never- <br />theless orderly and stable and one of the contributing factors has been the <br />steadying influence of Mr. Reams and his fellow members of the Zoning <br />Commission. During all these years, he faithfully attended the meetings of <br />the Commission and gave of his time and talents for the benefit of the citizens <br />of this county without compensation. Upon behalf of the citizens of the county, <br />this Board and its members individually express to Mr. Reams sincere thanks <br />and appreciation for his valued services. <br />2. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be furnished to Mr. <br />Reams, the press and radio. <br />JUN 2 51969 <br />oaox 12 A.42 3 <br />