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ATTACHMENT "A " <br /> SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT <br /> The above budget is based upon Contract APT70 for Indian River County Block grant funds . A new contract is <br /> submitted to the block grant funding every 5 years . 2014 will be the last year of funding under APT70 . <br /> Deliverables shall include: <br /> 1 . Submit a copy of the National Transit Data Base (Section 5335) report submitted to FTA each year by : <br /> a . August 29 for agencies with fiscal years ending in the months of January through June . <br /> b. January 30 for fiscal years ending July through September. <br /> c. April 30 for fiscal years ending October through December. <br /> 2. Submit for approval the performance measures indentified in Table A- 1 Required Performance Measures for <br /> Newspaper Publication of FDOT Procedure 725-030-030 by September 15 of each year, as indentified below: <br /> a . Passenger Trips <br /> b. Revenue Miles <br /> c. Total Operating Expense <br /> d . Operating Revenue <br /> e. Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service <br /> f. Base Fare <br /> g. Revenue Miles Between Vehicle System Failures <br /> h. Days/Hours Service is Available <br /> i . Operating Expense per Passenger Trip <br /> 3. Submit the publisher's affidavit from a newspaper covering the transit service area that the performance measures <br /> indentified in Table A- 1 Required Performance Measures for Newspaper Publication of FDOT Procedure <br /> 725-030-030 were published by November 1 of each year. <br /> 4 . Submit a copy of the Transit Development Plan (TDP) annual progress report or plan update by September 1 of <br /> each year. <br /> SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY DEPARTMENT : <br /> The Agency must submit quarterly progress reports via TransCIP , the web-based state grant management software , <br /> by logging onto www. transcip. com , and clicking on the "quarterly update" tab . <br /> Please submit an invoice on the project every three (3 ) months, please include three (3 ) hard copies of the back-up <br /> and (three) 3 original Invoice Summary Sheets . Please refer to your JPA , Sections 6 . 0 and 7 . 0, for correct payment <br /> provisions through the Department of Transportation . Supporting documentation for each amount for which <br /> reimbursement is being claimed must indicate that the item has been paid . All invoices must be accompanied by <br /> appropriate back-up , and check and/or check numbers that paid the invoice . Please contact your Florida Department <br /> of Transportation Project Manager for any additional questions before invoicing . <br /> SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY AGENCY: <br /> The audit report(s) required in paragraph 7 . 60 of the Agreement shall include a schedule of project assistance that <br /> will reflect the Department's contract number, Financial Project Number and the Federal Identification number, where <br /> applicable , and the amount of state funding action (receipt and disbursement of funds) and any federal or local <br /> funding action and the funding action from any other source with respect to the project. <br /> The Public Transit Block Grant Program was enacted by the Florida Legislature to provide a stable source of funding <br /> for public transit. The block grant funds may be used for eligible operating costs of public transit providers including <br /> the total costs of administration , management, and operations directly incident to the provision of public bus transit <br /> services , but excluding the depreciation or amortization of capital assets . Up to 50% of eligible operating costs can <br /> be paid with program funds , or an amount equal to the total revenue, excluding farebox, charter, advertising revenue <br /> and federal funds , received by the provider for operating costs , whichever amount is less . <br /> The Department is providing these funds as a Grant-In-Aid for the public transit program . The Department does not <br /> receive goods or services directly for this funding . The Department is authorized under Florida Statutes to enter into <br /> this agreement as specified elsewhere in this agreement. <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />