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Florida Gas Transmission Company
Encroachment Agreement
Customer Convenience Center Oslo Road
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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE. <br /> Project No . : 12-276 J . R . SMITH , CLERK <br /> Tract No . : FLBQQ- INDI -001 <br /> within the easement area. FGT' s access to its pipeline facilities shall be maintained by IRC . If the gate is <br /> locked with IBC' s lock, IRC shall provide FGT with keys or allow a FGT lock to enable access. <br /> 10 . No above or below ground utility appurtenances, junction boxes or retention ponds shall be <br /> allowed within the easement area. <br /> lie No roto-mixing or vibrating machinery is allowed within the easement area. <br /> 12 . When conducting pile driving operations, IRC shall adhere to a minimum separation of twenty- <br /> five feet (25 ' ) from the outside edge of the FGT pipeline. <br /> 13 . Ditches shall be sloped or shoring will be used to allow entry into the excavation . Time will be <br /> allowed for a FGT representative to inspect and make coating repairs as the subsurface pipeline facilities <br /> are exposed. <br /> 14 . Twelve inches ( 12") of backfill around the subsurface pipeline facilities shall be sand or clean <br /> fill; free of rocks and debris . Rock Shield will be installed around pipeline facilities. <br /> 15 . With prior approval, no more than twenty feet (20 ') of pipe shall be exposed at any given time; if <br /> more than twenty feet (20 ' ) of pipe is to be exposed, all Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) must be <br /> adhered to, pressure reductions must be scheduled at least one ( 1 ) year in advance and engineering stress <br /> calculations must be performed by FGT Engineering and approved by FGT Operations prior to allowing <br /> any more than the . twenty feet (20 ' ) of exposed pipe . <br /> 16 . With prior approval and an FGT representative on site at all times, excavation equipment <br /> equipped with toothless buckets may be allowed to dig or excavate within three (3 ) feet of the pipeline <br /> facilities. All other construction/excavation equipment will not be allowed to perform any excavation <br /> within three feet (3 ' ) of the pipeline facilities. All mechanical excavation performed within three feet (3 ' ) <br /> of the pipeline will be performed parallel to the pipeline (i .e. track-hoe may not reach over the pipeline to <br /> dig on the opposite side of the pipeline) . <br /> 17 . All excavation within twenty-four (24") from the top or thirty-six inches (36") from the side or <br /> bottom of the pipeline shall be by manual means . After top exposure, excavation up to twenty four inches <br /> (24") from the side or bottom of the exposed pipeline may proceed by mechanical means if the FGT <br /> representative is satisfied it may be done safely with the equipment and operator. available . <br /> 18 . Barriers adequate to prevent vehicular damage to any exposed pipeline facilities shall be installed <br /> and maintained at all times . <br /> 19 . All FGT pipeline facilities, cathodic protection equipment, and test lead wires shall .be protected <br /> from damage by construction activity at all times . <br /> 20 . No installation, construction, excavation, or demolition work shall be performed within the <br /> easement area on weekends or holidays unless IRC agrees to reimburse FGT for its cost, including <br /> overtime costs, associated with inspection during those periods. <br /> 21 . The Developer or Contractor shall provide and install temporary construction fence along the <br /> easement boundaries for the entire length of the proposed work area to preserve and protect <br /> the <br /> pipeline(s) . The fence must be maintained for the duration of the development or construction activity. <br /> Access across FGT' s easement will be granted at specific locations for vehicle and equipment traffic once <br /> a Wheel Load Calculation has been completed. Additional cover or matting may be required. Any <br /> changes to this requirement must be approved in writing by FGT prior to start of work. <br /> 22 . Where consent for landscaping has been granted, IRC shall not plant any trees and shrubs on the <br /> easement area which are classified as "deep rooted" or are projected to exceed an eventual growth height <br /> of four (4) feet. Trees and shrubs shall be planted so that no part, at its ultimate growth, shall be closer <br /> than ten feet ( 10 ' ) to the pipeline facilities. <br /> 23 . These Engineering and Construction Specifications may address activities on the easement area for <br /> which FGT has not granted consent to IRC to include as part of the encroachment. Notwithstanding <br /> anything to the contrary contained in these Engineering and Construction Specifications, FGT' s consent <br /> is and shall be limited to the encroachment as described and limited by the Encroachment Agreement to <br /> which this Exhibit is attached. <br />
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