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Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund <br /> 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan <br /> Any right of a Beneficiary is strictly personal to that Beneficiary and lapses upon his or <br /> her death . Any undistributed Deferred Compensation that would have been distributable <br /> to a Beneficiary if he or she had lived is not distributable to the Beneficiary ' s heirs . <br /> Upon a Beneficiary ' s death , any undistributed Deferred Compensation with respect to <br /> that Beneficiary becomes distributable to the remaining primary Beneficiary (s ) if any, or <br /> if none , to the remaining contingent Beneficiary(s) , in each case to be distributable in <br /> equal shares to all living Beneficiaries of the applicable primary or contingent <br /> Beneficiary class . <br /> The Participant must designate each Beneficiary by name . A Beneficiary( s ) cannot be <br /> designated by relationship or by class , and any such attempted beneficiary designation is <br /> absolutely void . <br /> Notwithstanding any law to the contrary , a change in marriage (whether statutory or <br /> common- law) or family status , including (but not limited to) a divorce , dissolution , <br /> annulment or declaration of non-marriage , separation , separate maintenance , revocation <br /> of a domestic partner registration, termination or revocation of any marriage or living- <br /> together contract, or any other interruption or termination of a spouse or quasi- spouse <br /> relationship , has no effect in any way concerning who is the Beneficiary under the Plan . <br /> If the Participant designates as Beneficiary more than one person, all persons of the same <br /> Beneficiary Designation ("primary" or " contingent") have equal shares (per capita and <br /> not per stirpes ) , unless the Participant specifies otherwise . <br /> If a Participant fails to designate a Beneficiary , or if for any reason ( including the <br /> absence of a surviving designated beneficiary ) the Participant ' s beneficiary designation is <br /> invalid or ineffective , the person( s) entitled to the residuary estate of the Participant ' s <br /> estate is (are) the Beneficiary( s) , to the extent of the failure or invalid or ineffective <br /> designation , with the applicable share of the Plan Account divided among those <br /> Beneficiaries in the same shares as their shares of the residuary estate . For the purposes <br /> of this Provision , the Plan Sponsor and Plan Administrator may rely on an appropriate <br /> court order or the personal representative ' s written statement as to the identity ( including <br /> name, address , and Taxpayer Identifying Number) of and shares allocable to the persons <br /> entitled to such residuary estate . <br /> A named beneficiary who feloniously and intentionally kills the Participant or <br /> Beneficiary is not a Beneficiary and is not entitled to any Distribution or any other right <br /> under the Plan ; and any Deferred Compensation is payable as though the killer had <br /> predeceased the Participant or Beneficiary . <br /> 3 . 8 "Beneficiary Designation' <br /> means the valid and effective Beneficiary Designation made by the Participant , <br /> designating the person ( s ) (which may be a non -natural person) who shall be his or her <br /> Beneficiary( s) entitled to receive any undistributed Deferred Compensation . <br /> Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund <br /> Florida League of Cities , Inc . <br /> Page 9 <br /> oz/oii?oo9 <br />