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Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund <br /> 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan <br /> Consistent with Part 14 , any Distribution paid after December 31 , 2001 may, to the extent <br /> that the Distribution is an eligible rollover distribution , be paid as a direct rollover . <br /> 3 . 18 "Distribution Commencement Date" <br /> means the date( s) selected by the Participant under Provision 12 . 2 , or by the Beneficiary <br /> under Provision 13 . 2 ; or the "default" date that results by operation of Provision 12 . 2 . 1 or <br /> Provision 13 . 2 . 1 from the Distributee ' s failure to make such an election . <br /> 3 . 19 "Effective Date" <br /> means the first date that the Participating Employer accepted a Participation Agreement . <br /> 3 . 20 "Eligible Participating Employer" <br /> means any Participating Employer that is a State or a political subdivision of the State or <br /> an agency or instrumentality of a state(s) or a political subdivision( s) and that is an <br /> " eligible Participating Employer" within the meaning of IRC § 457 (e) ( 1 ) (A) . <br /> 3 . 21 "Employee" <br /> means the natural person , whether appointed , elected, salaried, or under contract, or <br /> otherwise , who performs services for the Participating Employer on a regular basis as a <br /> common- law employee or as an independent contractor and who has Compensation paid <br /> by the Participating Employer, unless the individual is precluded from participation under <br /> the Plan by the Enabling Statute or other State or local law ( including an ordinance or <br /> resolution) . <br /> The fact that a natural person is or is determined to be an employee for the purpose of <br /> another employee benefit plan (including another pension plan or retirement plan) or for <br /> any other legal purpose shall not be construed as any inference that the natural person is <br /> an eligible Employee under this Plan . <br /> The Plan Sponsor shall decide all questions of eligibility for participation in the Plan, <br /> except as otherwise required by the Enabling Statute . <br /> An Employee shall not be excluded from participation in the Plan on the basis of age . <br /> 3 . 22 "Employee Contributions" <br /> means elective deferrals made pursuant to a salary reduction agreement as specified by a <br /> Participation Agreement . <br /> 3 . 23 "Employer Contributions " <br /> means those Contributions made by the Participating Employer that are not Employee <br /> Contributions , and which the Participant could not have elected to receive as immediate <br /> cash compensation or other taxable benefit . <br /> Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund <br /> Florida Leaglte of Cities, Inc . <br /> Page 14 <br /> oz/otizoo9 <br />