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EXHIBIT "A" <br />PART 1 <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />This Scope of Services was developed and included in the original <br />Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 (NSP1) Community Development Block <br />Grant (CDBG) General Administration Contract executed on March 3, 2009. <br />Because the NSP1 CDBG activities are nearing completion, it is recognized that <br />many of the services listed in this Scope of Services have been completed. Only <br />those services that are still applicable apply going forward with this amended <br />contract. <br />A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION <br />The Administrator shall provide the following GENERAL <br />ADMINISTRATIVE services for this project; <br />1. Coordinate, monitor, and evaluate the direct costs of the overall <br />program, including but not limited to the multiple activities outlined in the <br />subsections of the contract below. <br />2. Provide program information and materials, and technical assistance <br />to the public, including all community organizations. Publish applicable notices, <br />and conduct applicable hearings to encourage citizen participation. <br />i <br />