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On a Motion made by Commissioner Massey, seconded by <br />Commissioner McCullers, it was unanimously carried that the bid <br />received in the Minutes of October 8, from Bowen Roofing Company <br />for reroofing the Courthouse be rejected; and that the Administrator <br />be authorized to readvertize for bids for reroofing the Courthouse, <br />completion date of which to be set at December 31, 1969. <br />Attorney Thomas Thatcher appeared and presented a Resolution. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Bogosian, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 69- 60 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, resolves: <br />1. That each of the parcels of property hereinafter described has <br />been acquired by Indian River County, a political subdivision of the State of <br />Florida, on the respective dates hereinafter stated, for the purpose of con- <br />structing a public road on said property as hereinafter identified, and that all <br />of the taxes levied upon said parcels for the year 1969 upon the tax rolls of <br />Indian River County, Florida, shall be only that portion of the taxes levied <br />which the part of such year that had expired at the date of such acquisition <br />bears to the entire year, and that the remainder of such taxes for such year <br />shall stand cancelled. <br />2. The public roads for which said parcels were acquired, the <br />dates of acquisition and descriptions of the parcels so acquired is as follows: <br />