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e <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY GEHRING GROUP <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES AS OUTLINED IN RFQ #2010025 — HEALTH INSURANCE/ EXCESS LOSS <br /> REINSURANCE BROKERAGE AND ACTUARIAL SERVICES FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> I . The solicitation , analysis , review , and recommendation of a third -party administrator for the County ' s <br /> self-insured group health insurance program to include the presentation of proposals from a minimum of <br /> three (3 ) companies . <br /> 2 . The solicitation , analysis , review , and recommendation of group health excess insurance for the County ' s <br /> self- insured group health insurance program to include the presentation of proposals from a minimum of <br /> three ( 3 ) companies . <br /> 3 . The solicitation , analysis , review , and recommendation of fully insured group health insurance programs , <br /> if requested to include the presentation of proposals from a minimum of three (3 ) respondent companies . <br /> 4 . A review of the underwriting , rating , and claims activity of the group health insurance program <br /> to <br /> examine the adequacy of funding levels as well as the provision of the estimated financial effect of the <br /> program changes . Preparation of a Critical Factors Analysis Report of the health plan to identify the <br /> sources of causation and to identify medical , pharmacy and other cost drivers and make recommendation <br /> for potential plan design alternatives to address these cost drivers . <br /> 5 . Performance of a Mid Year Health Rate Review as of April 30 of medical and pharmacy claims to assure <br /> the adequacy of rates budgeted . Seek Renewal Proposals from existing vendors and carriers and prepare <br /> a renewal summary with expiring and renewal pricing and terms . Provides assistance in the completion <br /> of the Executive Summary to the Board of Commissioners . Prepare an annual renewal proposal <br /> summary for presentation to the Board of Commissioners due no later than July 1 each year. <br /> 6 . Prepare a general review of the County ' s benefit program to include its structure and financing and to <br /> make recommendations to improve the program where possible . It will also include the review and <br /> preparation of all written materials utilized under the County ' s benefit program . <br /> 7 . A review of the County ' s flexible spending account program to include the solicitation , analysis , review <br /> and recommendation of account administration firms and plan design . <br /> 8 . Open Enrollment Communication Materials — Provide assistance in the preparation of annual open <br /> enrollment communication and enrollment materials . Provide enrollment services for the annual open <br /> enrollment period . <br /> Page 5 of 8 <br />