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Mr. Himanshu H. Mehta, P . E . <br /> 23 June 2010 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Task 3 — Field Activities <br /> Under this task, Geosyntec will perform all field activities related to the plume groundwater <br /> monitoring, as discussed herein . The field activities will include field preparation , groundwater <br /> sampling, and water level measurements . Field preparation activities will include scheduling and <br /> staffing, subcontracting, field equipment preparation , and notifying FDEP of the field schedule . <br /> In addition, we will coordinate with Environmental Conservation Laboratories , Inc . (ENCO), the <br /> analytical laboratory contracted with IRC , regarding laboratory analyses required by FDEP . <br /> Geosyntec will perform the groundwater sampling activities associated with the CVOC plume <br /> monitoring wells . Groundwater sampling activities will be executed using a two -person <br /> sampling crew and will be performed in general accordance with the FDEP Standard Operating <br /> Procedures ( SOPs) . The proposed annual field event will be conducted in summer 2010 <br /> (tentatively in July) and will include sampling of 76 monitoring wells . The proposed semi - <br /> annual field event will be conducted in winter 2010 (tentatively in December) and will include <br /> sampling of 22 monitoring wells . The annual and semi -annual field events are budgeted to be <br /> completed within approximately seven days and two days, respectively . Consistent field <br /> documentation and field protocols will be utilized to develop reliable data to support the natural <br /> attenuation of the groundwater plume . It is anticipated that purge water (IDW) will be treated in <br /> the existing air stripper sump and discharged to the sanitary sewer following treatment . No costs <br /> are included herein for IDW disposal . <br /> Geosyntec will conduct a complete round of groundwater level measurements coincident with <br /> each semi -annual groundwater sampling event . Depth to groundwater measurements will be <br /> recorded to the nearest 0 . 01 - ft in each monitoring well , including existing monitoring wells and <br /> applicable City of Vero Beach wells (assumed up to 82 wells) . <br /> Task 4 — Data Evaluation and Semi-Annual Reporting <br /> Under this task, Geosyntec will perform data evaluation activities for the CVOC plume <br /> monitoring reporting and prepare semi - annual reports for submittal to FDEP . Data evaluation <br /> activities will include database management, data evaluation and screening, geographical <br /> information systems (GIS ) figure preparation , time trend analyses, and/or statistical data <br /> analyses . The results of groundwater sampling associated with the CVOC plume monitoring will <br /> be presented in a report supported by attachments containing Chain -of- Custody sheets , field <br /> notes and observations, water sampling logs , maps , graphs, analytical results , and any other <br /> applicable materials . The draft reports will be submitted to IRC SWDD for review prior to <br /> submittal to FDEP . Each final semi - annual report will be signed and sealed by a Florida <br /> registered professional engineer or geologist . <br /> XR 10 1 50\XR1 001 6rev. docx <br /> erlgiiieers I sc:ierttists I inncivators <br />