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I ll <br /> lie <br /> le <br /> the date for filing the last quarterly unemployment compensation report , as <br /> described above , not coincide with the date that an eligibility determination is <br /> made , COMPANY shall have the right to file a report, in a form substantially <br /> similar to a quarterly unemployment compensation report , and such report <br /> shall constitute the Annual Job Status Report , the filing of which shall begin <br /> the running of the forty - five (45 ) - day period within which payment shall be <br /> made . <br /> 4 . Relocation/Expansion Commitment . As a condition precedent to and as <br /> consideration for obtaining Jobs Grant Funds from COUNTY , COMPANY agrees to <br /> locate in and expand its business operations on a suitable site in Indian River County <br /> as described on Exhibit "A " , which is attached hereto and made a part thereof. <br /> 5 . Job Creation Commitment . COMPANY estimates that it will provide 20 new _jobs <br /> within the county as set forth in Exhibit " B " , which is attached hereto and made a <br /> part hereof. The exact number of jobs actually supplied and their salaries , however, <br /> may vary . Local jobs grant funds will be awarded up to a maximum of $ 77 ,000 if <br /> COMPANY locates within the City of Vero Beach /Indian River County Enterprise <br /> Zone or an amount of up to $ 70 ,000 if COMPANY locates within Indian River <br /> County but outside of the City of Vero Beach / Indian River County Enterprise Zone . <br /> The jobs grant award will be based on the following : <br /> Jobs Grant Amount Per Job If Company Locates Within Indian River County and Outside of <br /> Vero Beach /Indian River County Enterprise Zone <br /> Category Grant Amount Per Job <br /> 75 % to 99 . 99 % of Indian River County Average Annual Wage $ 3 , 000 <br /> 100 % to 149 . 99 % of Indian River County Average Annual Wage $ 5 , 000 <br /> 150 % of Indian River County Average Annual Wage ( or greater) $ 7 , 000 <br /> Jobs Grant Amount Per Job If Company Locates Within <br /> Vero Beach /Indian River County Enterprise Zone (Includes a 10 % Bonus) <br /> Category Grant Amount Per Job <br /> 75 % to 99 . 99 % of Indian River County Average Annual Wage $ 3 , 300 <br /> 100 % to 149 . 99% of Indian River County Average Annual Wage $ 5 , 500 <br /> 150 % of Indian River County Average Annual Wage (or greater) $ 7 , 700 <br /> 6 . Wage Level Commitment . COMPANY estimates that it will pay 17 employees <br /> whose jobs are eligible for a Grant hereunder an annual wage of not less than <br /> $ 26 , 047 . 50 ; will pay 1 employee an annual wage of not less than $ 34 , 730 . 00 ; and <br /> will pay each of 2 employees an annual wage of not less than $ 52 , 095 . 00 . The <br /> annual wage of the positions shall be determined without taking into account the <br /> value of any benefits . COMPANY shall , in accordance with the provisions of <br /> - 5 - <br />