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Last modified
2/10/2016 10:14:45 AM
Creation date
10/1/2015 4:53:59 AM
Official Documents
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Agenda Item Number
Entity Name
Glenn George & Sharon
Purchase Agreement for Real Estate, Deed
6570 33rd Street
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Either party may change the information above by giving written notice of such change as <br /> provided in this paragraph . <br /> 8 . 5 Survival and , Benefit . Except as otherwise expressly provided herein , each <br /> agreement , representation or warranty made in this Agreement by or on behalf of either <br /> party , or in any instruments delivered pursuant hereto or in connection herewith , shall <br /> survive the Closing Date and the consummation of the transaction provided for herein . <br /> The covenants , agreements and undertakings of each of the parties hereto are made <br /> solely for the benefit of, and may be relied on only by the other party hereto , its successors <br /> and assigns , and are not made for the benefit of, nor may they be relied upon , by any other <br /> person whatsoever . <br /> 8 . 6 Attorney' s Fees and Costs . In any claim or controversy arising out of or relating to <br /> this Agreement , each party shall bear its own attorney' s fees , costs , and expenses . <br /> 8 . 7 . Counterparts . This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts , each <br /> one of which shall constitute an original . <br /> 8 . 8 . County Approval Required : This Agreement is subject to approval by the Indian <br /> River County as set forth in paragraph 2 . <br /> 8 . 9 Beneficial Interest Disclosure : In the event Seller is a partnership , limited <br /> partnership , corporation , trust , or any form of representative capacity whatsoever for <br /> others , Seller shall provide a fully completed , executed , and sworn beneficial interest <br /> disclosure statement in the form attached to this Agreement as an exhibit that complies <br /> with all of the provisions of Florida Statutes Section 286 . 23 prior to approval of this <br /> Agreement by the County. However, pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 286 . 23 ( 3 ) ( a ) , <br /> the beneficial interest in any entity registered with the Federal Securities and Exchange <br /> Commission , or registered pursuant to Chapter 517 , Florida Statutes , whose interest is for <br /> sale to the general public , is exempt from disclosure , and where the Seller is a non - public <br /> entity , that Seller is not required to disclose persons or entities holding less than five ( 5 % ) <br /> percent of the beneficial interest in Seller . <br /> 8 . 10 Fees and Costs : The purchase price of $ 10 , 000 is inclusive of all costs and <br /> attorneys fees . <br /> 8 . 11 " Seller acknowledges receipt of the " Notice to Owner" and understands his/her <br /> rights granted under Florida Law Chapters 73 and 74 . " <br /> Ir tials <br /> 9 . Additional Responsibilities of the County . <br /> 9 . 1 Seller shall be entitled to a zoning confirmation letter from the Planning Director <br /> stating the remaining parcel shall not be deemed non-conforming as a result of the County <br /> purchasing of the 33 'd Street right-of-way - <br /> 5 <br />
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