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Chairman Dritenbas then left the meeting and Vice Chairman <br />Bogosian took the Chair... <br />Henry Allen appeared before the Board reporting that he <br />has a fcontract with Gordon Chaffee, but the time alliowed by the <br />Attorney would not be sufficient to remove all of the cars from <br />his property. A Motion was made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded <br />by Commissioner Loy and unanimously carried that the time granted <br />Henry Allen to remove the cars from his property be extended to <br />include the 28th of February. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Massey and the request of Henry Allen to operate a <br />junk yard was unanimously approved with the understanding that <br />he will comply with County Regulations. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Massey, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers, the request of Daniel Stormant to operate a junk yard <br />was.unanimously approved with the understanding that he will comply <br />with County Regulations. <br />Willie Thomas, using a C 1 zoned lot for crushing junked cars <br />was told that he should apply for M 1 zoning or look for another <br />lot situated in the proper zoning for his operation, and that he <br />has thirty days to clean up the lot he is now using. <br />Fred Warner reappeared before the Board, and a Motion was made <br />by Commissioner Massey, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and <br />unanimously carried that if Mr. Warner would sign a contract with <br />Mr. Chaffee, the time for the removal of his junked cars would <br />be extended. <br />P H. Barth, Jr. and other land owners on 14th Street appeared <br />before the Board in regard to the condition of 14th Street between <br />6th Avenue and U. S. #1. The owners are willing to dedicate right-of- <br />way and the Administrator was requested to prepare a sketch of <br />the present land owners. <br />Chairman Dritenbas returned to the meeting and"Again tobk,the <br />Chair. <br />PAuE °7 <br />JAN? 11970 <br />