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Ralph Harris, Clerk; Alfred H. Webber, Deputy Clerk; Chester Clem, <br />Small Claims Judge; Homer Fletcher, Tax Assessor; Sam Joyce, Sheriff; <br />Gene Morris, Tax Collector; Jack U. Dritenbas, County Commissioner; <br />Edward J. Massey, County Commissioner; and Jack G. Jennings, County <br />Administrator were present at a work shop session on January 21,at <br />which time these holidays were agreed upon. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Loy, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and the request of the Administrator to purchase a new <br />typewriter was unanimously approved. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Bogosian, seconded by <br />Commissioner McCullers, it was unanimously carried that the <br />Administrator is authorized to advertise for bids for the purchase <br />of an undercarriage for the Koering dragline and to advertise for <br />bids for the purchase of a hydro lift for the low boy. <br />Frank Daley, District Representative of Lou Frey, Jr., U. S. <br />Congressman, 5th District Florida appeared before the Board and <br />asked if there were any questions regarding legislation. <br />The Administrator reported that private contractors hired for <br />clearing the rights-of-way on State Route 60, 27th Avenue and Clemann <br />Avenue were piling the debris in the stump dump on Citrus Avenue and <br />that they were rapidly filling the area as well as keeping a County <br />man and dozer busy full time. <br />The Administrator reported that he had received a letter from <br />Bud Jenkins offering a ten acre parcel on Oslo Road to the County <br />for stump dump purposes at a cost to the County of $500.00 per month. <br />The Administrator stated that he would research these matters further <br />and report again to the Board at the next regular meeting. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Loy,.seconded by Commissioner <br />Massey and unanimously carried the Clerk was authorized to make the <br />following Time Deposits: <br />Fu3 4 1970 <br />PAGE � <br />