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I . Television Rights * <br /> Any recording or taping of the event must have the prior written approval of both <br /> MiLB and the County , which consent may beg <br /> ranted , denied , <br /> or conditioned by <br /> either the County or MiLB at their sole respective discretion . Nothing contained <br /> herein shall be deemed or construed to require approval by either the County or <br /> MiLB of any recording or taping of the event . <br /> J . Concessions : <br /> Concession sales and operations must have the prior written consent of MiLB which <br /> consent may be granted , denied , or conditioned by MiLB in its sole discretion . The <br /> user group will reimburse MiLB for any concession service costs incurred by MiLB , <br /> as set forth in Attachment 1 . <br /> K . Procedures : <br /> 1 . A written request must be submitted by the user group ' s chief executive officer or <br /> board of directors to the County Administrator or his designee at least ninety ( 90 ) <br /> days in advance of the requested use date . The request must include the following : <br /> requested date (s ) of use , type of event , estimated attendance , purpose , proof of <br /> non - profit status , and a listing of current board of directors and executive director . <br /> The County will coordinate with MiLB to seek the written approval of the availability <br /> of the date (s ) from MiLB . <br /> 2 . Review and approval shall include : County Administrator , Recreation Department , <br /> Risk Management Department , Budget Department , County Attorney and Finance <br /> Department , and the Indian River County Sheriff' s Office or the Vero Beach Police <br /> Department . Additional information may be requested during the review process , <br /> including , without limitation , proposed budget and estimated expenses and revenues <br /> for the event . It is the responsibility of the requesting user group to secure all <br /> appropriate approvals . <br /> 3 . After the County Administrator or designee review , the user group will be notified in <br /> writing , within thirty ( 30 ) business days after the date the request was submitted , of <br /> the status of the request ; the amount of the required security deposit ; the types and <br /> amounts of required insurance coverages ; and the date the request will be submitted <br /> for County Commission consideration . The County Administrator or designee will <br /> submit the request to the County Commission . The County Commission may <br /> approve , approve with conditions or deny the request . The approval or disapproval <br /> is at the sole discretion of the County Commission . <br /> 4 . Execution of an agreement between the County and the user group with respect to <br /> the use of the Stadium ; submission of proof of ability to obtain the required <br /> insurance coverages ; delivery of security deposit , and , if applicable , execution of a <br /> cash escrow agreement between the County and the user group ; and delivery of <br /> certificates of required insurance coverages . <br /> 3 <br />