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L . Fiscal Reports : <br /> Within thirty ( 30 ) business days after the event , a summary of expenses , revenues , <br /> and estimated attendance signed by the executive director and the chairperson of <br /> the user group ' s board must be submitted to the County Administrator or his <br /> designee . In addition , the user group shall submit fully executed copies of any <br /> agreements that user group has obtained in connection with the event between the <br /> user group and MiLB and any other vendor or provider of food and merchandise <br /> concessions , beverages , and other items associated with the event . <br /> M . No County FUndinc1 : <br /> County contrihL1110n is use of the Stadimn on the date or dates requested by the user <br /> group . No County funding of any nature whatsoever , cash or in - kind , will be <br /> provided . <br /> N . Permits : <br /> Any and all required permits and licenses and associated costs for use based on the <br /> Indian River County Code of Ordinances , Health Department or any other regulatory <br /> authorities are the sole responsibility of the user group . Proof of permits must be <br /> provided no later than thirty ( 30 ) calendar days prior to the requested use date to the <br /> County Administrator or his designee . Failure to provide proof of required permits <br /> authorizes the County to remedy the situation including up to termination of the <br /> requested use . Any expenses incurred by the user group associated with the use of <br /> the stadium facilities prior to the time of termination of the requested use pursuant to <br /> this paragraph are the sole responsibility of the user group . <br /> O . Cancellation of event <br /> The County , in a declared emergency , may cancel the event at its sole discretion . If ` <br /> the user group proposes to cancel the use after the County Commission has <br /> approved the application and reserved the date ( s ) , the user group must notify the <br /> County Administrator or his designee and MiLB in writing as soon as possible prior <br /> to the scheduled date of use . <br /> P . Discretion <br /> The County Administrator shall have discretion to waive any procedural , time period <br /> or other such requirement of the Use Guidelines when he/she determines that such <br /> waiver is in the best interests of the County . <br /> Q . Remedies <br /> Failure of the user group to comply with the terms of the agreement authorizes the <br /> County to cancel the event up to the date of the scheduled event , and may prohibit <br /> the use of the Stadium by the user group for future events at the sole discretion of <br /> the County . <br /> 4 <br />