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County and VeroTown , LLC for the costs of any damage or destruction to the <br /> Stadium or liabilities associated with personal injury or death that occurs in <br /> connection with the use of the Stadium by the user group . <br /> E . Alee14e4-1 <br /> previslon , OR --any- basis whatsoever of, any a ' Gehe ! dG beveFages of any—patu-re <br /> whatsE) eveF from n , aFE) URd , or on GenReGthE) R with , the Stad * un4 <br /> v * elates this reStFiGtien will be prohibited fFGm any futuFe use of the Stadium .- <br /> F . Facility Use Costs : <br /> User group is responsible for any and all expenses associated with the use of the <br /> Stadium , including costs imposed by VeroTown , LLC for use , including , but not <br /> limited to , parking attendants , ticket takers , security personnel , clean - up crews , <br /> concession operations , and utilities , all as set forth in Attachment 1 . <br /> 6 . SecuratyQgUser group shall -post a seGUF! ty depE) 65t in the amount of a minimum of Ten <br /> - <br /> , <br /> bGRd issued by a surety IiGeRsed tG issue surety bE) nds a R Florida and OnGluded un the <br /> eaGh ef the feFegoing payable to indian River GOURty to be held by the County , and <br /> substanGe aGGeptable to the GOURty , The County reserves the right to ORGrea6e the. <br /> County shall RGtify the User group duFhng the review PFOGess set forth in paragFaph <br /> rw <br /> shall deliver the seGUrity deposit to the County QffiG.e of Management & Budget RE) <br /> later than ten ( 10 ) business days pFOE) r to the eveRt date and f appliGable , exeGute-a <br /> Gash eGG. FG!.V a ~pprnent between the GeURty and the WseF Group , n form and <br /> substanGe aGGeptable to the GOURty , at the time the seGUrity deposit as teRdeFed . <br /> H . Facility Preparation and Cleanup : <br /> The user group is responsible for all costs associated with the Stadium cleanup and <br /> field restoration as set forth in Attachment 1 . VeroTown , LLC must approve cleanup <br /> and restoration . If the user group should fail to restore the Stadium facility and <br /> grounds , VeroTown , LLC will have the authority to initiate cleanup and restoration , <br /> and any additional costs will be the sole responsibility of the user group , as set forth <br /> in Attachment 1 . The County reserves the right to deduct any such additional costs <br /> from the security deposit . <br /> 2 <br />