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Article X — Summary Description of Project <br /> The FY 2011 Homeland Security Grant Program ( HSGP) funding shall be used for costs related <br /> to preparedness activities associated with implementing the State Homeland Security Strategy , <br /> any respective Urban Area Security Strategies , and the investments identified during the <br /> application period. The HSGP consists of the State Homeland Security Program ( SHSP ) , the <br /> Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) , the Citizen Corps Program ( CCP) , the Metropolitan <br /> Medical Response System (MMRS ) program , and Operation Stonegarden ( OPSG) . Together, <br /> these programs provide an integrated mechanism to enhance the coordination of National <br /> Priority efforts to prevent, respond to , and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters and <br /> other emergencies . <br /> Article XI — National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) <br /> The recipient shall comply with all applicable Federal , State, and local environment and historic <br /> preservation ( EHP) requirements and shall provide any information requested by FEMA to <br /> ensure compliance with applicable laws including : National Environmental Policy Act , National <br /> Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, and Executive Orders on Floodplains <br /> ( 11988 ) , Wetlands ( 11990) and Environmental Justice ( 12898 ) . Failure of the recipient to meet <br /> Federal , State , and local EHP requirements and obtain applicable permits may jeopardize Federal <br /> funding . Recipient shall not undertake any project having the potential to impact Environmental <br /> or Historical Preservation ( EHP) resources without the prior approval of FEMA , including but <br /> not limited to communication towers , physical security enhancements , new construction , and <br /> modifications to buildings that are 50 years old or greater . Recipient must comply with all <br /> conditions placed on the project as the result of the EHP review . Any change to the approved <br /> project scope of work will require re -evaluation for compliance with these EHP requirements . If <br /> ground disturbing activities occur during project implementation, the recipient must ensure <br /> monitoring of ground disturbance , and if any potential archeological resources are discovered , <br /> the recipient will immediately cease construction in that area and notify FEMA and the <br /> appropriate State Historic Preservation Office . Any construction activities that have been <br /> initiated prior to the full EHP review could result in a non - compliance finding. For your <br /> convenience , here is the screening form link : (The Screening Form is available at : <br /> ( �t �� w . lema . ��ov/doc % ��o � ernment ! �� rant/ bulletins/ into � � 9 final screening memo doc) . For these <br /> types of projects , grantees must complete the FEMA EHP Screening Form (OMB Number 1660 - <br /> 0115 /FEMA Form 024 - O - 01 ) and submit it, will all supporting documentation , to their respective <br /> FDEM grant manager for review . Grantees should submit the FEMA EHP Screening Form for <br /> each project as soon as possible upon receiving their grant award . <br /> 40 <br />