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a <br /> A #RUE COPY <br /> R CERTIFICATION ON LAST off' ^• r <br /> #° r� rs : �3t J. R . SMITH , CLERK <br /> by charitable organizations or by federal, State, or local government programs for low-income individuals; <br /> (E) Lives in a single-room occupancy or efficiency apartment unit in which there reside more than two persons, or <br /> lives in a larger housing unit in which there reside more than 1 .5 people per room, as defined by the U.S . Census <br /> Bureau; <br /> (F) Is exiting a publicly funded institution, or system of care (such as a health-care facility, a mental health facility, <br /> foster care or other youth facility, or correction program or institution) ; or <br /> (G) Otherwise lives in housing that has characteristics associated with instability and an increased risk of <br /> homelessness, as identified in the recipient's approved consolidated plan; <br /> (2) A child or youth who does not qualify as "homeless" under this section, but qualifies as "homeless" under <br /> section 387(3) of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (42 U .S .C . 5732x(3)), section 637( 11 ) of the Head Start <br /> Act (42 U. S .C: 9832( 11 )), section 41403(6) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (42 U . S .C. 14043e-2(6)), <br /> section 330(h)(5 )(A) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U. S .C. 254b(h)(5)(A)), section 3 (m) of the Food and <br /> Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U. S .C. 2012(m)), or section 17(b)(15) of the Child Nutrition Act of 196642( U.S .C. <br /> 1786(b)( 15)) ; or <br /> (3 ) A child or youth who does not qualify as "homeless" under this section, but qualifies as "homeless" under <br /> section 725 (2) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U. S .C . 11434x(2)), and the parents) or <br /> guardian(s) of that child or youth if living with her or him. <br /> Centralized or coordinated assessment system means a centralized or coordinated process designed to coordinate <br /> program participant intake assessment and provision of referrals. A centralized or coordinated assessment system <br /> covers the geographic area, is easily accessed by individuals and families seeking housing or services, is well <br /> advertized, and includes a comprehensive and standardized assessment tool. <br /> Chronically homeless. ( 1 ) An individual who: <br /> (i) Is homeless and lives in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter; and <br /> (ii) Has been homeless and living or residing in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an <br /> emergency shelter continuously for at least one year or on at least four separate occasions in the last 3 years; and <br /> (iii) Can be diagnosed with one or more of the following conditions: substance use disorder, serious mental illness, <br /> developmental disability (as defined in section 102 of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance Bill of Rights Act <br /> of 2000442 U. S .C. 15002)), post-traumatic stress disorder, cognitive impairments resulting from brain injury, or <br /> chronic physical illness or disability; <br /> (2) An individual who has been residing in an institutional care facility, including a jail, substance abuse or mental <br /> health treatment facility, hospital, or other. similar facility, for fewer than 90 days and met all of the criteria in <br /> paragraph ( 1 ) of this definition, before entering that facility; or <br /> (3) A family with an adult head of household (or if there is no adult in the family, a minor head of household) who <br /> meets all of the criteria in paragraph ( 1 ) of this definition, including a family whose composition has fluctuated <br /> while the head of household has been homeless . <br /> Collaborative applicant means the eligible applicant that has been designated by the Continuum of Care to apply for <br /> a grant for Continuum of Care planning funds under this part on behalf of the Continuum. <br /> Consolidated plan means the HUD-approved plan developed in accordance with 24 CFR 91 . <br />