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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J . K . BARTON , CLERK <br /> ATTACHMENT A <br /> 1 . The Recipient is Indian River County Board of Commissioners . <br /> 2 . HUD ' s total fund obligation for this project is $ 70 , 063 , which shall be allocated as follows : <br /> a. Leasing $ 0 <br /> b . Supportive services $ 70 , 063 <br /> c . Operating costs $ 0 <br /> d . HMIS $ 0 <br /> e . Administration $ 0 <br /> 3 . Although this agreement will become effective only upon the execution hereof by both parties , <br /> upon execution , the term of this agreement shall run from the end of the Recipient' s final operating <br /> year under the original Grant Agreement or , if the original Grant Agreement was amended to <br /> extend its term , the term of this agreement shall run from the end of the extension of the original <br /> Grant Agreement term for a period of twelve ( 12) months . Eligible costs , as defined by the Act <br /> and Attachment B , incurred between the end of Recipient' s final operating year under the original <br /> Grant Agreement, or extension thereof, and the execution of this Renewal Grant Agreement may <br /> be paid with funds from the first operating year of this Renewal Grant. <br /> www. hud . gov espanol . hud. gov Page 5 <br />