<br /> J . K . BARTON , CLERK
<br /> Ofc . of Asst. Secy . , Comm . Planning , Develop . , HUD § 583 . 150
<br /> total amount obligated will be equal to an HUD may advertise and competitively select
<br /> amount necessary for the specified years of providers to deliver technical assistance . HUD
<br /> operation , less the recipient' s share of operating may enter into contracts, grants, or cooperative
<br /> costs , agreements , when necessary, to implement the
<br /> ( Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB technical assistance .
<br /> control number 2506- 0112 )
<br /> [ 59 FR 36891 , July 19, 1994 ] [59 FR 36892 , July 19, 19941
<br /> § 583 . 135 Administrative costs . § 583 . 145 Matching requirements.
<br /> ( a ) General . Up to five percent of any grant ( a ) General . The recipient must match the
<br /> awarded under this part may be used for the funds provided by HUD for grants for
<br /> purpose of paying costs of administering the acquisition , rehabilitation , and new construction
<br /> assistance . with an equal amount of funds from other
<br /> ( b) Administrative costs . Administrative sources .
<br /> costs include the costs associated with ( b ) Cash resources . The matching funds
<br /> accounting for the use of grant funds, preparing must be cash resources provided to the project
<br /> reports for submission to HUD , obtaining by one or more of the following : the recipient ,
<br /> program audits , similar costs related to the Federal government, State and local
<br /> administering the grant after the award , and governments, and private resources, in
<br /> staff salaries associated with these accordance with 42 U . S . C . 11386 . This statute
<br /> administrative costs . They do not include the provides that a recipient may use funds from
<br /> costs of carrying out eligible activities under § § any source , including any other Federal source
<br /> 583 . 105 through 583 . 125 . ( but excluding the specific statutory subtitle
<br /> [58 FR 13871 , Mar. 3, 1993, as amended at 61 FR 51175 , Sept. 30, from which Supportive Housing Program funds
<br /> 19961 are provided ) , as well as State, local , and
<br /> § 583 . 140 Technical assistance . private sources, provided that funds from the
<br /> ( a ) General . HUD may set aside funds other source are not statutorily prohibited to be
<br /> annually to provide technical assistance, either used as a match . It is the responsibility of the
<br /> directly by HUD staff or indirectly through recipient to ensure that any funds used to
<br /> third - party providers, for any supportive housing satisfy the matching requirements of this
<br /> project. This technical assistance is for the section are eligible under the laws governing
<br /> purpose of promoting the development of the funds to be used as matching funds for a
<br /> supportive housing and supportive services as grant awarded under this program .
<br /> part of a continuum of care approach , including (c) Maintenance of effort . State or local
<br /> innovative approaches to assist homeless government funds used in the matching
<br /> persons in the transition from homelessness, contribution are subject to the maintenance of
<br /> and promoting the provision of supportive effort requirements described at § 583 . 150( a ) .
<br /> housing to homeless persons to enable them to [ 58 FR 13871 , Mar. 15, 1993, as amended at 73
<br /> live as independently as possible . FR 75326, Dec . 11 , 2008 ]
<br /> ( b) Uses of technical assistance . HUD may § 583 . 150 Limitations on use of
<br /> use these funds to provide technical assistance assistance.
<br /> to prospective applicants, applicants, recipients , ( a ) Maintenance of effort . No assistance
<br /> or other providers of supportive housing or provided under this part (or any State or local
<br /> services for homeless persons, for supportive government funds used to supplement this
<br /> housing projects . The assistance may include, assistance ) may be used to replace State or
<br /> but is not limited to , written information such as local funds previously used , or designated for
<br /> papers , monographs, manuals , guides , and
<br /> brochures ; person - to- person exchanges ; and use, to assist homeless persons .
<br /> training and related costs . ( b ) Faith - based activities . ( 1 ) Organizations
<br /> ( c ) Selection of providers . From time to that are religious or faith - based are eligible, on
<br /> time, as HUD determines the need, the same basis as any other organization , to
<br /> participate in
<br /> www . hud . gov cspa10l . hud . g0v Page 10
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