§ 583 . 155
<br /> 24 CFR Ch . V (4- 1 - 09 Edition )
<br /> the Supportive Housing Program . Neither the used for inherently religious activities . Program
<br /> Federal government nor a State or local funds may be used for the acquisition,
<br /> government receiving funds under Supportive construction , or rehabilitation of structures only
<br /> Housing programs shall discriminate against an to the extent that those structures are used for
<br /> organization on the basis of the organization 's conducting eligible activities under this part.
<br /> religious character or affiliation . Where a structure is used for both eligible and
<br /> ( 2 ) Organizations that are directly funded inherently religious activities, program funds
<br /> under the Supportive Housing Program may not may not exceed the cost of those portions of
<br /> engage in inherently religious activities, such as the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation
<br /> worship, religious instruction, or proselytization that are attributable to eligible activities in
<br /> as part of the programs or services funded accordance with the cost accounting
<br /> under this part. If an organization conducts requirements applicable to Supportive Housing
<br /> such activities, the activities must be offered Program funds in this part. Sanctuaries, chapels,
<br /> separately, in time or location , from the or other rooms that a Supportive Housing
<br /> programs or services funded under this part, Program-funded religious congregation uses as
<br /> and participation must be voluntary for the its principal place of worship, however, are
<br /> beneficiaries of the HUD- funded programs or ineligible for Supportive Housing
<br /> services . Program-funded improvements. Disposition of
<br /> ( 3 ) A religious organization that real property after the term of the grant, or any
<br /> participates in the Supportive Housing Program change in use of the property during the term of
<br /> will retain its independence from Federal, State, the grant, is subject to government-wide
<br /> and local governments, and may continue to regulations governing real property disposition
<br /> carry out its mission, including the definition , (see 24 CFR parts 84 and 85) .
<br /> practice, and expression of its religious beliefs, ( 6) If a State or local government voluntarily
<br /> provided that it does not use direct Supportive contributes its own funds to supplement
<br /> Housing Program funds to support any federally funded activities, the State or local
<br /> inherently religious activities, such as worship, government has the option to segregate the
<br /> religious instruction, or proselytization . Among Federal funds or commingle them . However, if
<br /> other things, faith - based organizations may use the funds are commingled, this section applies
<br /> space in their facilities to provide Supportive to all of the commingled funds .
<br /> Housing Program-funded services, without (c) Participant control of site. Where an
<br /> removing religious art, icons, scriptures, or applicant does not propose to have control of a
<br /> other religious symbols . In addition , a site or sites but rather proposes to assist a
<br /> Supportive Housing Program -funded religious homeless family or individual in obtaining a
<br /> organization retains its authority over its internal lease, which may include assistance with rent
<br /> governance, and it may retain religious terms in payments and receiving supportive services,
<br /> its organization 's name, select its board after which time the family or individual remains
<br /> members on a religious basis, and include in the same housing without further assistance
<br /> religious references in its organization 's mission under this part, that applicant may not request
<br /> statements and other governing documents. assistance for acquisition, rehabilitation , or new
<br /> (4 ) An organization that participates in the construction .
<br /> Supportive Housing Program shall not, in [ 58 FR 13871, Mar, 15, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 36892, July 19,
<br /> providing program assistance, discriminate 1993 ; 68 FR 56407, Sept. 30, 2003]
<br /> against a program beneficiary or prospective
<br /> program beneficiary on the basis of religion or § 583. 155 Consolidated plan.
<br /> religious belief. (a ) Applicants that are States or units of
<br /> ( 5 ) Program funds may not be used for the general local government. The applicant must
<br /> acquisition, construction , or rehabilitation of have a HUD-approved complete or abbreviated
<br /> structures to the extent that those structures consolidated plan, in accordance with 24 CFR
<br /> are part 91 , and
<br /> www , hud . gov espunol. hud . gov Page II
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