etetse4 . ), subtitle N of the Violence Against § 583 . 5, because the individual or family is
<br /> Women Act of 1994 (42 U . S . C. 14043e et sea . ), Fleeing domestic violence, dating violence,
<br /> section 330 of the Public Health Service Act (42 sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or
<br /> U . S. C. 254b), the Food and Nutrition Act of life-threatening conditions related to violence,
<br /> 2008 ( 7 U . S . C. 2011 et seq . ), section 17 of the then acceptable evidence includes an oral
<br /> Child Nutrition Act of 1966 ( 42 U . S . C. 1786), or statement by the individual or head of
<br /> subtitle B of title VII of the McKinney- Vento household seeking assistance that they are
<br /> Homeless Assistance Act (42 U . S . C. 11431 et fleeing that situation, that no subsequent
<br /> seq . ), as applicable; residence has been identified, and that they
<br /> ( ii) For paragraph ( 3 ) ( ii ) of the homeless lack the resources or support networks, e . g . ,
<br /> definition in § 583 . 5, referral by a housing or family, friends, faith- based or other social
<br /> service provider, written observation by an networks, needed to obtain other housing . If
<br /> outreach worker, or certification by the the individual or family is receiving shelter or
<br /> homeless individual or head of household services provided by a victim service provider,
<br /> seeking assistance; as defined in section 401 (32 ) of the
<br /> ( iii ) For paragraph ( 3 ) ( iii ) of the homeless McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as
<br /> definition in § 583 . 5, certification by the amended by the HEARTH Act, the oral
<br /> individual or head of household and any statement must be documented by either a
<br /> available supporting documentation that the certification by the individual or head of
<br /> individual or family moved two or more times household ; or a certification by the intake
<br /> during the 60-day period immediately preceding worker. Otherwise, the oral statement that the
<br /> the date for application of homeless assistance, individual or head of household seeking
<br /> including : recorded statements or records assistance has not identified a subsequent
<br /> obtained from each owner or renter of housing , residence and lacks the resources or support
<br /> provider of shelter or housing, or social worker, networks, e . g . , family, friends, faith - based or
<br /> case worker, or other appropriate official of a other social networks, needed to obtain
<br /> hospital or institution in which the individual or housing, must be documented by a certification
<br /> family resided ; or, where these statements or
<br /> records are unobtainable, a written record of by the individual or head of household that the
<br /> oral statement is true and complete, and, where
<br /> the intake worker's due diligence in attempting the safety of the individual or family would not
<br /> to obtain these statements or records . Where a be jeopardized, the domestic violence, dating
<br /> move was due to the individual or family fleeing violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other
<br /> domestic violence, dating violence, sexual dangerous or life-threatening condition must be
<br /> assault, or stalking, then the intake worker may verified by a written observation by the intake
<br /> alternatively obtain a written certification from worker; or a written referral by a housing or
<br /> the individual or head of household seeking service provider, social worker, health -care
<br /> assistance that they were fleeing that situation provider, law enforcement agency, legal
<br /> and that they resided at that address; and assistance provider, pastoral counselor, or any
<br /> ( iv) For paragraph ( 3 ) ( iv) of the homeless another organization from whom the individual
<br /> definition in § 583 . 5, written diagnosis from a or head of household has sought assistance for
<br /> professional who is licensed by the state to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
<br /> diagnose and treat that condition ( or intake assault, or stalking . The written referral or
<br /> staff- recorded observation of disability that observation need only include the minimum
<br /> within 45 days of the date of application for amount of information necessary to document
<br /> assistance is confirmed by a professional who is that the individual or family is fleeing, or
<br /> licensed by the state to diagnose and treat that attempting to flee domestic violence, dating
<br /> condition ) ; employment records; department of violence, sexual assault, and stalking .
<br /> corrections records; literacy, English proficiency ( c) Disability. - Each recipient of
<br /> tests; or other reasonable documentation of the assistance under this part must maintain and
<br /> conditions required under paragraph ( 3 ) ( iv) of follow written intake procedures to ensure that
<br /> the homeless definition , the assistance benefits persons with disabilities,
<br /> ( 5) If the individual or family qualifies under as defined in § 583 . 5 . In addition to the
<br /> paragraph (4 ) of the homeless definition in documentation required under paragraph ( b) of
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