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Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD Renewal Grant Agreement Alcohope
Shelter Plus Care Grant
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§ 582 . 200 24 CFR Ch . V ( 4= 1 -09 Edition ) <br /> of general local government' s HUD-approved ( b ) Rating criteria . HUD will award funds <br /> consolidated plan , based on the criteria specified in section <br /> ( b) Applicants that are not States or units 455(a ) ( 1 ) through (8) of the McKinney Act ( 42 <br /> of general local government. The applicant must U . S. C. 11403d ( 1 )- 11403d( 8)) and on the <br /> submit a certification by the jurisdiction in which following criteria authorized by section <br /> the proposed project will be located that the 455 (a )(9) of the McKinney Act (42 U . S . C. <br /> jurisdiction is following its HUD-approved 11403d ( 9) ) : <br /> consolidated plan and the applicant 's application ( 1 ) The extent to which the applicant has <br /> for funding is consistent with the jurisdiction 's demonstrated coordination with other Federal, <br /> HUD-approved consolidated plan . The State, local, private and other entities serving <br /> certification must be made by the unit of homeless persons in the planning and operation <br /> general local government or the State, in of the project, to the extent practicable; <br /> accordance with the consistency certification ( 2 ) Extent to which the project targets <br /> provisions of the consolidated plan regulations, homeless persons living in emergency shelters, <br /> 24 CFR part 91 , subpart F. supportive housing for homeless persons, or in <br /> (c) Indian tribes and the Insular Areas of places not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a <br /> Guam, the U . S . Virgin Islands, American Samoa, regular sleeping accommodation for human <br /> and the Northern Mariana Islands . These beings; <br /> entities are not required to have a consolidated ( 3 ) Quality of the project; and <br /> plan or to make consolidated plan certifications . (4) Extent to which the program will serve <br /> An application by an Indian tribe or other homeless persons who are seriously mentally ill, <br /> applicant for a project that will be located on a have chronic alcohol and/or drug abuse <br /> reservation of an Indian tribe will not require a problems, or have AIDS and related diseases. <br /> certification by the tribe or the State . However, (Approved by the office of Management and Budget under control <br /> where an Indian tribe is the applicant for a number 2506-0118) <br /> project that will not be located on a reservation, [61 FR 51170, Sept. 30, 1996] <br /> the requirement for a certification under <br /> paragraph ( b) of this section will apply. § 582 . 230 Environmental review. <br /> (d) Timing of consolidated plan certification (a ) Activities under this part are subject to <br /> submissions . Unless otherwise set forth in the HUD environmental regulations in part 58 of this <br /> NOFA, the required certification that the title, except that HUD will perform an <br /> application for funding is consistent with the environmental review in accordance with part <br /> HUD-approved consolidated plan must be 50 of this title prior to its approval of any <br /> submitted by the funding application submission conditionally selected applications from PHAs for <br /> deadline announced in the NOFA. Fiscal Year 2000 and prior years for other than <br /> [60 FR 16379, Mar. 30, 1995] the SRO component. For activities under a grant <br /> to a PHA that generally would be subject to <br /> Subpart C-Application and Grant review under part 58, HUD may make a finding <br /> Award in accordance with § 58 . 11 (d) and may itself <br /> perform the environmental review under the <br /> § 582. 200 Application and grant award , provisions of part 50 of this title if the recipient <br /> (a ) Review. When funds are made PHA objects in writing to the responsible entity's <br /> available for assistance, HUD will publish a performing the review under part 58, <br /> notice of fund availability in the FEDERAL Irrespective of whether the responsible entity in <br /> REGISTER in accordance with the requirements accord with part 58 (or HUD in accord with part <br /> of 24 CFR part 4 . Applications will be reviewed 50) performs the environmental review, the <br /> and screened in accordance with the guidelines, recipient shall supply all available, relevant <br /> rating criteria and procedures published in the information necessary for the responsible entity <br /> notice. (or HUD, if applicable) to perform for each <br /> property any environmental review required by <br /> this part. <br /> www . hud. gov espanol . hud. gov Page II <br />
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