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ATRUECOPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> Applicant : Indian River County Board of Commissioners J . K . BARTON , CLERK 32960 <br /> Project : New Chronics FL0119C4H090802 <br /> Project Participants - Households without Dependent Children <br /> Instructions : <br /> Total number of households (required ) enter the total number of households served at a point <br /> in time . <br /> Disabled adults (in this row) � enter the total number of adult participants with a disability . Of <br /> these participants , indicate how many fall into one or more of the subpopulation categories <br /> ( chronically homeless , severely mentally ill , chronic substance abuse , veterans , persons with <br /> HIV/AIDS , and DV victims ) . <br /> Non -disabled adults ( in this row ) � enter the total number of adult participants without a <br /> disability . Of these participants , indicate how many fall into one or more of the subpopulation <br /> categories ( chronic substance abuse , veterans , and DV victims ) . <br /> Disabled unaccompanied youth ( in this row) 6 enter the total number of unaccompanied youth <br /> with a disability . Of these participants , indicate how many fall into one or more of the <br /> subpopulation categories (chronically homeless , severely mentally ill , chronic substance abuse , <br /> persons with HIV/AIDS , and DV victims ) . <br /> Non -disabled unaccompanied youth ( in this row ) i enter the total number of unaccompanied <br /> youth without a disability . Of these participants , indicate how many fall into one or more of the <br /> subpopulation categories (chronic substance abuse , and DV victims ) . <br /> Total persons (calculated row) 6 all fields are automatically calculated . <br /> Total number of adults (calculated row ) 6 all fields are automatically calculated . <br /> Total number of unaccompanied youth (calculated row ) i all fields are automatically calculated . <br /> Additional Resources : <br /> Point in time - PIT (definition ) 6 a snap shot of the number of homeless persons that can be <br /> served , on any given night or day , when the project is at full capacity . This count is based on the <br /> applicant6s estimate at the time of application , for a new grant . For a renewal project , the PIT is <br /> based on the applicant6s assessment of the number of participants residing in a facility or <br /> served by the program on a particular night or day when the project is at full capacity . <br /> http : //www . hudhre . info/index . cfm ? do =viewHomelessAndHousingPrograminfo <br /> http ://esnaps . hudhre . info/training <br /> Indicate the total number of homeless persons and subpopulations served <br /> by the project , at a particular point in time (when the project is at full <br /> capacity) . <br /> Instructions : <br /> Chronically Homeless must be disabled adults in households without children (so no entry <br /> allowed in non -disabled adult or children/youth ) <br /> Severely Mentally III are all considered disabled (so no entry allowed in non -disabled ) <br /> Chronic Substance Abuse may not constitute a disability on its own <br /> Veterans must be adults (so no entry allowed in children/youth ) <br /> Persons living with HIV/AIDS are all considered disabled ( so no entry allowed in non -disabled ) <br /> Exhibit 2 Page 11 03/04/2010 <br />