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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> CLERK <br /> Applicant : Indian River County Board of Commissioners J . K . BARTON , 32960 <br /> Project : New Chronics FL0119C41-1090802 <br /> Outreach for Participants <br /> Instructions : <br /> Where homeless participants are coming from ( required ) - enter or update the percentage ( % ) <br /> related to the places from which homeless participants are coming (streets , emergency shelters , <br /> safe havens , or transitional housing who came directly from the streets , emergency shelter, or <br /> safe haven ) . <br /> Total of above percentage (calculated ) - the percentages entered will sum in the Total of <br /> above percentages field . <br /> If total is less than 100 % - indicate the other places from which homeless persons enter the <br /> project. <br /> Outreach plan ( required for new projects ) - describe how the applicant/sponsor plans to bring <br /> homeless persons into the project. <br /> Contingency plan ( required for new projects ) - describe the contingency plan that the <br /> applicant/sponsor will implement if the project experiences difficulty in meeting the Bonus <br /> requirements to serve exclusively homeless and disabled individuals and families . The <br /> contingency plan may include re -evaluating the intake assessment procedures or outreach plan . <br /> Additional resources : <br /> http ://www . hudhre . info/index . cfm ? do =viewHomelessAndHousing Program Info <br /> http ://esnaps . hudhre . info/training <br /> Complete or update the form fields in the order of appearance . For renewal <br /> applications , the fields will populate with information from the 2008 <br /> application submission , if applicable . Please verify that all populated fields <br /> are correct. <br /> Enter the percentage of homeless person ( s ) who will be served by the <br /> proposed project for each of the following locations . <br /> Note : this includes persons who ordinarily sleep in one of the places <br /> listed below but are spending a short time ( 30 consecutive days or less ) in <br /> a jail , hospital , or other institution . <br /> 100% Persons who came from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation . <br /> Person who came from Emergency Shelters. <br /> Persons who came from Safe Havens. <br /> Persons in TH who came directly from the street, Emergency Shelters , or Safe Havens . <br /> 100 % Total of above percentages <br /> If the total is less than 100 % , describe very specifically where the other <br /> persons you propose to serve would be coming from , and how these <br /> persons would meet the HUD homeless definition . <br /> Exhibit 2 Page 13 03/04/2010 <br />