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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> Applicant : Indian River County Board of Commissioners JX BARTON , CLERK 32960 <br /> Project : New Chronics FL0119C41­1090802 <br /> Shelter Plus Care Rental Assistance Budget Detail <br /> Instructions : <br /> Name of metropolitan or non -metropolitan fair market rent area ( required ) - select or update the <br /> FMR area in which the project is located . The list is sorted by state abbreviation . The selected <br /> FMR area will be used to populate the rents in the chart below . <br /> FMR Percentage ( required ) - the only available selection is 100 % of the area FMR . Rent <br /> requests that are greater ( 101 - 110 % ) or less ( 1 -99 % ) than the published FMR for a given area <br /> are no longer permitted . Still , the rental payments that are drawn from LOCCS or HUDCAPS <br /> must not exceed the actual negotiated rent for each unit or the FMRs in effect at the time of <br /> grant execution , whichever is less . The FMRs are available online at : <br /> http : //www . huduser . org/datasets/fmr. htmi . <br /> In addition , S + C/SRO and Section 8 SRO projects may operate SRO or 0-bedroom units only ; <br /> however, the per unit rental payments that are drawn from LOCCS or HUDCAPS may not <br /> exceed the published FMR for an SRO unit size . <br /> Size of units ( populated ) - these options are system generated . <br /> Number of units ( required ) - for each unit size , enter or update the number units for which <br /> funding is being requested . For renewal projects , the number(s ) entered should match the grant <br /> inventory worksheet . <br /> FMR amount ( populated ) - these fields are populated once the required fields have been <br /> completed and saved . <br /> Number of months ( populated ) - these fields are populated once the required fields have been <br /> completed and saved . <br /> Total ( calculated ) - these fields are totaled once the required fields have been completed and <br /> saved . <br /> Additional resources : <br /> http ://www . hudhre . info/index . cfm ? do=viewHomelessAndHousingPrograminfo <br /> http ://esnaps . hudhre . info/training <br /> Complete the following fields related to the S + C rental assistance funds <br /> being requested under the project . <br /> Type of Program S + C <br /> Metropolitan or non -metropolitan FL - Sebastian -Vero Beach , FL MSA <br /> fair market rent area ( 1206199999 ) <br /> Rent requests must equal 100 % of FMR <br /> Click on the " Save " button to populate the <br /> budget fields below <br /> In the budget chart below , enter or update the number of units for which <br /> funding is being requested . For renewal applications , the fields will <br /> populate with information from the 2008 application submission , if <br /> applicable . The number of units entered for each unit size should <br /> correspond to the units indicated on the Grant Inventory Worksheet . The <br /> remaining fields will populate once all required information is completed <br /> and saved . <br /> Exhibit 2 Page 15 03/04/2010 <br />