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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> Applicant : Indian River County Board of Commissioners J . K . BARTON , CLERK <br /> 32960 <br /> Project : FL-509 - Ren - New Chronics FL0119C4H090802 <br /> ( a ) Tenant-based rental assistance (TRA) . Tenant- based rental assistance provides grants <br /> for rental assistance which permit participants to choose housing of an appropriate size in which <br /> to reside . Participants retain the rental assistance if they move . Where necessary to facilitate <br /> the coordination of supportive services , grant recipients may require participants to live in a <br /> specific area for their entire period of participation or in a specific structure for the first year and <br /> in a specific area for the remainder of their period of participation . Recipients may not define the <br /> area in a way that violates the Fair Housing Act or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 . The term of <br /> the grant between HUD and the grant recipient for TRA is five years . <br /> ( b) Project- based rental assistance ( PRA) . Project- based rental assistance provides grants <br /> for rental assistance to the owner of an existing structure , where the owner agrees to lease the <br /> subsidized units to participants . Participants do not retain rental assistance if they move . Rental <br /> subsidies are provided to the owner for a period of either five or ten years . To qualify for ten <br /> years of rental subsidies , the owner must complete at least $ 3 , 000 of eligible rehabilitation for <br /> each unit ( including the unit's prorated share of work to be accomplished on common areas or <br /> systems ) , to make the structure decent, safe and sanitary . This rehabilitation must be completed <br /> with in 12 months of the grant award . <br /> (c ) Sponsor-based rental assistance (SRA) . Sponsor-based rental assistance provides grants <br /> for rental assistance through contracts between the grant recipient and sponsor organizations . A <br /> sponsor may be a private , nonprofit organization or a community mental health agency <br /> established as a public nonprofit organization . Participants reside in housing owned or leased <br /> by the sponsor. The term of the grant between HUD and the grant recipient for SRA is five years . <br /> ( d ) Moderate rehabilitation for single room occupancy dwellings ( SRO ) . ( 1 ) The SRO <br /> component provides grants for rental assistance in connection with the moderate rehabilitation of <br /> single room occupancy housing units . Resources to initially fund the cost of rehabilitating the <br /> dwellings must be obtained from other sources . However , the rental assistance covers operating <br /> expenses of the rehabilitated SRO units occupied by homeless persons , including debt service <br /> to retire the cost of the moderate rehabilitation over a ten -year period . <br /> (2 ) SRO housing must be in need of moderate rehabilitation and must meet the requirements <br /> of 24 CFR 882 . 803 ( a ) . Costs associated with rehabilitation of common areas may be included in <br /> the calculation of the cost for assisted units based on the proportion of the number of units to be <br /> assisted under this part to the total number of units . <br /> ( 3 ) SRO assistance may also be used for efficiency units selected for rehabilitation under this <br /> program , but the gross rent (contract rent plus any utility allowance ) for those units will be no <br /> higher than for SRO units (i . e . , 75 percent of the 0 -bedroom Moderate Rehabilitation Fair Market <br /> Rent) . <br /> (4 ) The requirements regarding maintenance , operation , and inspections described in 24 <br /> CFR 882 . 806 ( b ) (4 ) and 882 . 808 ( n ) must be met . <br /> ( 5 ) Governing regulations . Except where there is a conflict with any requirement under this <br /> part or where specifically provided , the SRO component will be governed by the regulations set <br /> forth in 24 CFR part 882 , subpart H . <br /> Sec . 582 . 105 Rental assistance amounts and payments . <br /> ( a ) Eligible activity . S + C grants may be used for providing rental assistance for housing <br /> occupied by participants in the program and administrative costs as provided for in paragraph ( e ) <br /> of this section , except that the housing may not be currently receiving Federal funding for rental <br /> assistance or operating costs under other HUD programs . Recipients may design a housing <br /> program that includes a range of housing types with differing levels of supportive services . <br /> Rental assistance may include security deposits on units in an amount up to one month 's rent . <br /> Consolidated Grant Agreement Page 9 03/08/2010 <br />