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A TRUE COPY" <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> Applicant : Indian River County Board of Commissioners JX BARTON , CLERK 32960 <br /> Project : FL-509 - Ren - CoCWide HMIS Renewal FL03081341-1090901 <br /> § 583 . 110 Grants for new construction . <br /> ( a ) Use . HUD will grant funds to recipients to pay a portion of the cost of new construction , <br /> including cost-effective energy measures and the cost of land associated with that construction , <br /> for use in the provision of supportive housing . If the grant funds are used for new construction , <br /> the applicant must demonstrate that the costs associated with new construction are substantially <br /> less than the costs associated with rehabilitation or that there is a lack of available appropriate <br /> units that could be rehabilitated at a cost less than new construction . For purposes of this cost <br /> comparison , costs associated with rehabilitation or new construction may include the cost of real <br /> property acquisition . <br /> ( b ) Amount . The maximum grant available for new construction is the lower of: <br /> ( 1 ) $400 , 000 ; or <br /> ( 2 ) The total cost of the new construction , including the cost of land associated with that <br /> construction , minus the applicant's contribution toward the cost of same . <br /> § 583 . 115 Grants for leasing . <br /> ( a ) General . HUD will provide grants to pay ( as described in § 583 . 130 of this part ) for the <br /> actual costs of leasing a structure or structures , or portions thereof, used to provide supportive <br /> housing or supportive services for up to five years . <br /> ( b ) ( 1 ) Leasing structures . Where grants are used to pay rent for all or part of structures , the <br /> rent paid must be reasonable in relation to rents being charged in the area for comparable <br /> space . In addition , the rent paid may not exceed rents currently being charged by the same <br /> owner for comparable space . <br /> ( 2 ) Leasing individual units . Where grants are used to pay rent for individual housing units , <br /> the rent paid must be reasonable in relation to rents being charged for comparable units , taking <br /> into account the location , size , type , quality , amenities , facilities , and management services . In <br /> addition , the rents may not exceed rents currently being charged by the same owner for <br /> comparable unassisted units , and the portion of rents paid with grant funds may not exceed <br /> HUD -determined fair market rents . Recipients may use grant funds in an amount up to one <br /> month 's rent to pay the non - recipient landlord for any damages to leased units by homeless <br /> participants . <br /> [58 FR 13871 , Mar. 15 , 1993 , as amended at 59 FR 36891 , July 19 , 19941 <br /> § 583 . 120 Grants for supportive services costs . <br /> ( a ) General . HUD will provide grants to pay ( as described in § 583 . 130 of this part) for the <br /> actual costs of supportive services for homeless persons for up to five years . All or part of the <br /> supportive services may be provided directly by the recipient or by arrangement with public or <br /> private service providers . <br /> ( b ) Supportive services costs . Costs associated with providing supportive services include <br /> salaries paid to providers of supportive services and any other costs directly associated with <br /> providing such services . For a transitional housing project , supportive services costs also <br /> include the costs of services provided to former residents of transitional housing to assist their <br /> adjustment to independent living . Such services may be provided for up to six months after they <br /> leave the transitional housing facility . <br /> [58 FR 13871 , Mar . 15 , 1993 , as amended at 59 FR 36891 , July 19 , 19941 <br /> Consolidated Grant Agreement Page 11 03/08/2010 <br />
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