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<br />TUESDAY 2 AUq7jST 6th 1929.
<br />At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County,
<br />Florida, held in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Vero Beach, on
<br />Tuesday, the 6th day of August 19292 there were present the following County Com-
<br />missioners, to-wit:.Albert 0. Helseth, Chairman; J.D.Yongue; J.J.P.Hamilton;
<br />Bruce and John H. ,Atkin. .Also present were Uiles Warren, Clerk and Clark S. Rice,
<br />Sheriff.
<br />The Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read.
<br />James F. Morrison appeared before the Board and presented the following petition:
<br />We, the undersigned citizens and tax payers of Indian River County, Florida,
<br />hereby petition the Board of County Commissioners of said Indian River County, Florida,
<br />that 3
<br />VMREAS, it is generally reported and common talk among the citizens and tax pay -
<br />ere of said County that the finances of the County now and heretofore have not properly
<br />been secured as they might or should have been according to law, and,
<br />V11MREAS, on account of failure of banks in this County it appears that said County
<br />hast so far lost considerable money and that there have been no steps taken for coll-
<br />ection or reimbursement to the County by reason of any security or bonds that the said
<br />banks had or should have had to guarantee the repayment of all funds deposited with
<br />them, and,
<br />BEREA:31 it is also reported that certain County Officials have been negligent and
<br />possibly responsible to the said County for certain funds that they have failed to
<br />account for or collect and turn over to the proper authorities, and,
<br />`TEA,, it appears that James T. Vocelle, the present attorney for the Board of
<br />County Commissioners, or the firm of Vocelle and Mitchell of which he is a member
<br />represents as .Attorneys both banks, being the Farmers Bank of Vero Beach and the Indian
<br />River County Bank, Sebastian, now termed County Depositories, and has and did heretofore
<br />represent the Vero Beach Bank and Trust Company, and now represents the Receiver for
<br />said Vero Beach Bank and Trust Compare, and other interests to _the extent that it mould
<br />be at least embarrassing on him if not disqualifying him from investigating, advising
<br />and prosecuting, if necessary, certain suits against said defunct bank or its Receiver,
<br />and any and all offices of said .County together with their bondsmen that it may be
<br />found are liable for any money or moneys due or may become due said County by reason
<br />of any collateral or security of any nature that said County may have, or otherwise in
<br />the interest of said County.
<br />That this action is not being taken, and is not intended to reflect in any way
<br />upon the character, ability, or integrity of the said James T. Vocelle but in good
<br />faith for the interest and protection of both the Board and Tax Payers of said County.
<br />And, we hereby recommend and request your honorable Board to employ an attorney
<br />or attorneys, ' to represent your Board in the matters heretofore referred to and such
<br />other natters as the Board may from time to time designate, instead of your now
<br />attorney, and we suggest that you employ S.N.Sm.ith and. C.P.Diamond, ,attorneys, for the
<br />foregoing purpose and any other matters that you may designate to them and that you
<br />pay them a reasonable
<br />fee for their services.
<br />.Axel Hallstwom
<br />Glhaas.Ke rsey
<br />Donald Fo rbes
<br />Axel T .Peterson
<br />James F.Morrison
<br />B.K.Kersey
<br />S. A. Perk
<br />Oswald L*Helseth
<br />W.L.Hammill
<br />Eli C.Walker
<br />lu.cy M.Baird
<br />Sibyl G.Hearne
<br />Chas E Berg
<br />Julia Blum
<br />a .E. Cherry
<br />P.T.McClellan
<br />Carl laandperg
<br />H.Carlsward
<br />.A.F.Carlsward
<br />Joe W.Forsling
<br />E .G.Danberg.
<br />Upon motion of 'Commissioner J.D.Yongue, it was moved that the Board employe
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