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1 <br />1 <br />SX.Corner "Sec. 31 _Tp. 33 .H.R.36 thence Fast along section line to Atlantic Ocean, <br />thence North along Ocean Beach to starting. point. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemp- <br />tion of Razztz bonds of County Special Tax School District No. 1 and in pursuance of <br />the requirements of law, and as estimated by the County Board of Public Instructions, <br />it is dete=ined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Thirty (30) mills up9n the 3p <br />dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed f or the year 1929, on all of the <br />property in the County of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of Special <br />Tax School District No. 1, the boundaries of which said District being described above <br />in these minutes. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemp- <br />tion of bonds of County Special Tax School District No. 7, and in pursuance of the <br />requirements of law, and as estimated by the County Board of Public Instructions, it is <br />detemined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Twelve (12) mills upon the dollar be <br />levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1929, on all of the property in <br />the County of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of Special Tax School <br />District No. 7, the boundaries of which said District being described above in these <br />minutes. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemp- <br />tion <br />edemp-tion of bonds of County Special Tax School District No. 8; Ind in pursuance of the <br />requirements of law, and as estimated in t1.e County Board of Public Instructions, it is <br />detemnined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Five (5) mills upon the dollar be <br />levied, and i s hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1929, on all of the property in <br />the County of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of ,6pecial Tax School, <br />District No. 8, the boundaries of which said District being described above in these <br />minutes. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemp- <br />tion of bonds and Time warrants of County special school District No. 111,' and in pursu- <br />ance of the requirements of law, and as estimated by the County Board of Public Instru- <br />ctions, it is detemined: and hereby declared that a tax rete of Twenty-three (23) . mills <br />upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1929, on all of <br />the property in the County of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of <br />Special Tax -School District No. 11, the boundaries of which said District being descri- <br />bed above in these minutes. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemp- <br />tion of bonds of County Special School District No. 14, and in pursuance of the require- <br />ments of law, and as required by a majority of the '.trustees of said District, it is <br />determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of 'Fifteen (15) mills upon the dollar <br />be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1929, on all of the `property <br />in the County of Indian River, lying and. being within the boundaries of Special Tax <br />School District No. 14, the 'boundaries of which said District being described above in <br />these minutes. <br />Estimates having been rade by the Board of Commissioners of INDIAN RIVER MOSQUITO <br />CONTROL DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the resolution filed with the Board, as re- <br />quired by law, and as estimated by the said Board of Commissioners, it is determined <br />and hereby declared that a tax rate of Five (5) mills upon the dollar be levied, and Is <br />hereby fix6d and assessed for the year 19299 on all of the property in the County of <br />Indian Rive, lying' and being within the boundaries of said Mosquito Control District, <br />the boundaries of said District being described as being the entire County as a whole. <br />M <br />'L J <br />(5 <br />