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$ 154 million annually in Indian River County. The most common activity for tourists in <br /> the County was visiting the beach (69%) . Accordingly, loss of sand and access. to <br /> beaches would clearly have the effect of reducing tourism along the County's 22 .4 miles <br /> of shoreline . <br /> Environmental Impacts : <br /> Indian River County is home to the Archie Carr National , Wildlife Refuge , which is one of . <br /> the largest sea turtle nesting beaches within the Western. Hemisphere . In fact, we <br /> have seen increasing sea turtle nesting numbers the last few years. <br /> With the recent FEMA denial , Indian River County is not financially able to fully repair <br /> the $ 9 . 6 million in beach damages without funding assistance from the State , thereby <br /> affecting our local tourism . The FEMA denial not only affects Indian River County, but <br /> all non -federal beach and dune nourishment projects from Brevard thru Broward , total <br /> estimated damages of over $ 50 million , by leaving them in a state of disrepair and <br /> significantly vulnerable . The only remaining alternative is for the State to partner with <br /> the impacted local governments to assist in the funding of beach stabilization projects . <br /> Chapter 161 of the Florida Statues provides a mechanism to provide up to a 75 % state <br /> funding match for emergency beach stabilization projects . <br /> Indian River County respectfully requests your assistance to work in concert with your <br /> colleagues in the Legislature to pass a special and separate appropriation under <br /> statewide beach management for FY 2013/14 . The damage to our statewide beaches <br /> not only jeopardizes public and private infrastructure , but impacts tourism as well . <br /> As detailed above , this action is essential in order to perform necessary beach repairs <br /> that are critical to the statewide economy and our community' s health and safety, as <br /> well as important environmental considerations including sea turtle and shorebird <br /> nesting . <br /> Enclosed for your reference is our November 7 , 2012 Preliminary Damage Assessment <br /> Report documenting the immediate Post Hurricane Sandy beach damage throughout <br /> Indian River County. <br /> Thank you in advance for your assistance . Please let us know if there is anything you <br /> may need to further our request. <br /> Sincerely , <br /> ' C • <br /> osep E . Flescher, Chairman <br /> Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br /> cc: Joseph A. Baird , Indian River County Administrator <br /> Enclosure : Indian River County Preliminary Damage Assessment Report; dated <br /> November 7 , 2012 <br />