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is <br /> I. Term - The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date first written above and shall <br /> terminate on December 31 , 2020 , unless amended or extended as provided herein . <br /> IL Statement of Mutual Agreement <br /> It is mutually understood and agreed by the parties that : <br /> A . By working together the parties can achieve the mutual goal of successfully managing the <br /> St . Sebastian River Greenway land assemblage for conservation and passive recreational use . <br /> B . Management of the St . Sebastian River Greenway land assemblage for conservation <br /> purposes , coupled with recreational and educational purposes is a primary management goal <br /> for these lands . <br /> C . Equipment owned and used by any cooperating agency Linder this agreement for which the <br /> other is responsible will normally be operated, serviced , and repaired by the owning agency . <br /> Exceptions to this practice will be agreed to , in writing, by both parties . <br /> D . Additional funding will be needed to achieve the goals set forth in this Agreement . The <br /> parties shall work together to seek and leverage fimding from private, local , state and federal <br /> sources such that it can be maximized for the use , restoration , and management of the St . <br /> Sebastian River Greenway land assemblage pursuant to the primary goal for these lands . <br /> E. The obligations of all parties herein are subject to the availability of funding , and nothing <br /> contained herein shall be construed as binding any party to expend any sum in excess of <br /> available private dollars , state and federal grants or appropriations , or to involve any party in <br /> any contract or other obligation for further expenditure of money in excess of such grants , <br /> appropriations or private allocations . <br /> III. Duties of MRC - MRC shall have and perform the following duties , obligations , and <br /> responsibilities to the County . <br /> A . Assist the County where possible with fundraising to accomplish the goals and objectives <br /> of the St. Sebastian River Greenway Plan . <br /> B . Implement natural resources restoration and management of the Russell North Parcels by : <br /> 1 ) eradicating nuisance exotic vegetation on the property and providing consultation and <br /> funding for such eradication as available ; 2 ) availing itself as the primary contact by <br /> telephone and through its website for users or nearby residents with questions or concerns ; 3 ) <br /> maintaining ongoing records of related events and/or incidents ; 4 ) providing annual reports to <br /> the County on issues of management and use ; and 5 ) coordinating a volunteers/friends group <br /> to assist with regular trail monitoring and clean -ups , stocking of kiosk maps , minor trail and <br /> facility repairs and other similar tasks . <br /> C . Provide nature- based recreational and educational opportunities such as hiking , bird <br /> watching , and nature - appreciation walks by recruiting partner organizations and participants , <br /> and promoting and coordinating these opportunities within the community . <br /> - 2 - <br /> F : ACommunity Development\Users\ ROLAND\LAAO\Russell - SSRG\Russell North Parcels MRC - County MOA . doc <br />