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All applicants will be required to complete a pre -approval application and provide all <br />requested back up documentation required to determine their program eligibility. When <br />requested, the applicant shall provide any additional and updated information to <br />document changes in household income and/or composition. <br />Prior to the closing on each housing unit, the homeownership sub -recipient shall provide <br />a list of qualified applicants for purchase of the resale housing units to the CATF and <br />Indian River County Board of County Commissioners The CATF and Board of County <br />Commissioners will review the list of potential homebuyers to ensure a Conflict of <br />Interest does not exist with anyone on the list. <br />All program beneficiaries who will be purchasing housing units will be required to <br />attend, at a minimum, 8 hours of approved credit counseling. The credit counseling shall <br />be provided by a HUD certified organization prior to final approval of the beneficiary <br />through the NSP Program. <br />General Provisions <br />There will be no acquisition or rehabilitation of mobile homes, modular homes or other <br />forms of manufactured housing with NSP dollars under this program. <br />All recipients of properties purchased under the local NSP program will be required to <br />provide proof of insurance at closing and maintain homeowners insurance including, at a <br />minimum, fire, liability, causality and, theft insurance. The owners of all properties <br />purchased with NSP funding that are located in a flood zone must provide proof of flood <br />insurance at closing and maintain flood insurance for the life of the mortgage. <br />All required insurance policies must be maintained for the length of time that the <br />mortgage with the local government is in effect. <br />Developers will be allowed a developer's fee (maximum of 12% of the line item activity <br />budget) and Sub -recipients will be allowed the actual cost for: <br />1. Marketing the property; <br />2 Finding and qualifying applicants for purchase or rental of the property <br />3. Assisting prospective home buyers in obtaining fixed rate mortgages. <br />4. Working with local government staff and the consultant to verify that all grant <br />requirements are being adhered to. <br />5. Providing for the maintenance of the property during the period of time that the <br />property is owned by the sub -recipient or developer. <br />6. Assisting the applicant with the home buying process. <br />1. REHABILITATION STANDARDS <br />Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds will be utilized to purchase foreclosed, <br />abandoned, deed in lieu of foreclosure, blight properties and/or other financially <br />4 <br />