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ocs�a ✓ iaz <br /> Attachment B <br /> INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br /> FFY 2009 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT <br /> NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM (NSP) <br /> HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN <br /> REHABILITATION/REPLACEMENT/TEMPORARY <br /> RELOCATION GUIDELINES AND <br /> GENERAL INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS <br /> Revised Novo beF 15 , 201 ' May 1 , 2012 <br /> I . INTRODUCTION <br /> The national foreclosure crisis has drastically impacted Indian River County and the <br /> families living within the community, resulting in many vacant, abandoned and <br /> foreclosed properties . The vacant and abandoned properties in the community threaten <br /> both the stability of the local housing market and the viability of the neighborhoods <br /> within the community . These circumstances invite crime and discourage further <br /> investment in the community . <br /> To address the impacts of the national foreclosure problem , the federal government <br /> created the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) , a Federally Funded Program in <br /> which funds are provided to local governments through the Florida Department of <br /> Cenffnunity AffaiFsEconomic Opportunity (DGAE0) to address foreclosed and <br /> abandoned properties in the areas of greatest need within their community . On the local <br /> level , Neighborhood Stabilization funds are to be utilized to provide affordable housing <br /> to very low income (less than 50 % AMI) , low to moderate income ( 51 % 40 % AMI) , and <br /> moderate to middle income ( 81 % - 120) AMI) families . In Indian River County, NSP <br /> dollars will be utilized to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed properties . These <br /> rehabilitated properties will be made available through purchase or rental to qualified <br /> families who make a maximum of 120 % of the area median income (AMI) . <br /> II . GENERAL <br /> The purpose of the information provided herein is to establish guidelines by which the <br /> County will operate its Neighborhood Stabilization Program . These guidelines have been <br /> established to ensure compliance with the requirements established by the Florida <br /> Department of C ,,mA , unit , ^ r- ircEconomic Opportunity (DC-AE0) and the Federal <br /> Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Neighborhood <br /> Stabilization Program . The information contained herein is subject to change upon action <br /> of DGAEO HUD , or the Indian River Board of County Commissioners . <br /> Through this document , Indian River County confirms that it will not discriminate on the <br /> basis of RACE , CREED , COLOR, SEX, RELIGION , ETHNICITY, HANDICAP , AGE , <br /> NATIONAL ORIGIN , or FAMILY STATUS . Individuals residing in the County are also <br /> protected by the State ' s Fair Housing Act, Sections 760 . 20 , 760 . 22 , 760 . 23 , and any <br /> amendments thereto . <br /> 1 <br />